P7 Home Learning Grids – wb 27th April

Hello Primary 7,

Here are your new Home Learning grids for this week. I have attached a link to access the worksheets for Numeracy ๐Ÿ™‚

Remember you can contact me via Teams or email if you need help or don’t understand a task…or just want to check in ๐Ÿ™‚ I love hearing from you all.


Primary 7 Literacy Grid w/b 27th April

Writing a film review help sheet – P7


Primary 7 Numeracy Grid w/b 27th April

Circles Maths Worksheets – w/b 27th April

Triangles Worksheets – w/b 27th April

Squares Group Maths Worksheets


IDL Home Learning Grid

Love Miss Mudge x