Home Learning 3.2.21

Hello everyone! It’s your lucky day – you have Mrs Deans and Mrs Webb today.

We just wanted to tell you all how awesome you all are, you make us both so proud every day with all your super hard work. Remember to keep sending us in pictures, we love to see them!

Tomorrow we will be posting some of the super work that we have received, showing off all your fab work!

Don’t forget our virtual classroom at 11am today. Mrs Deans will be talking about money and also our new Word Aware word of the week.

Remember to send us an email with any questions you may have at all and we’ll be happy to help.


Please complete our Daily Feelings Questionnaire as soon as you can every day; it only takes a couple of minutes. This allows us to put all your lovely comments together and send them to our Pupil of the Day. If you are our chosen pupil, make sure to say something nice about yourself and ask someone to send us a photo of you for your certificate.

Daily Feelings


Spelling and Dictation


Reading sequencing tasks


You have your Scotland grid to work through and the Scottish dance from Friday’s blog to get you moving around and a little fun exercise.


A very well done to those who took part in our sumdog competition. Check below to see the results.

3rd – Jayden

2nd – Haylie

1st – Kayci

Woohoo!! Well done!!

Have fun with sumdog this week, you can log on and play the games at your leisure.



I got some really great work from you all last week, working on your multiplication and division facts. Today we are going to look at multiplication and division fact family triangles before we head back to look at finding tenths of quantities tomorrow.

Multiplication and Division Fact Triangles are a good way of understanding Fact Familys. This helps you learn the relationship between multiplication and division of numbers.

Fact family shows sets of related numbers.

The largest number is always at the top of the triangle.

The multiplication sign is always at the bottom. 

Two dividing signs are always at the side.

This fact family tells us

30 ÷ 10 = 3

30 ÷ 3 = 10

10 x 3 = 30

3 x 10 = 30

Each triangle gives us 4 facts. Each answer is the number that is not used out of the three in the calculation.


To practise multiplication, cover the largest number with your thumb and ask your child to say both multiplication facts.

To practice division, show the largest number and cover-up one of the others.

e.g. for the above triangle, cover the 30 and ask your child to tell you what 3 x 10 is and 10 x 3 is or cover the 10 or 3 and ask them what 30 ÷ 3 is and 30 ÷ 10 is.

Your task today is to make your own fact family triangles of the 10 times table. You can complete the following worksheet or you can give your self a challenge by creating these on your own using your answers from Fridays task, drawing triangles in your jotter. You should have 12 triangles in total when you are finished.

Fact family triangles


Today we are going to look at doubles. When you double a number you add the same quantity again.

If I say double 2, your calculation would be 2 + 2 =

Have a look through this power point. You can count the spots on the lady birds back to help you find the answer to each doubles question.

Doubles power point

Now complete the task below. Just draw the lady birds into your jotter, drawing the same amount of dots on the other side and write the calculation below.

ladybird double worksheet

Keep practising your doubles. It is really good to know them off by heart when it comes to doing calculations in your head.

Below is a fun game you can go on and play to help you learn your doubles.



Have a look at this picture. What can you see? Can you imagine yourself standing here. Think of your 5 senses. What do you think you could see, hear, taste, feel, smell? Have a little brainstorm and tell someone at home your ideas.

Have a great day everyone. Every day we are one step closer to seeing your smiley faces 🙂

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