Category Archives: Uncategorized

Waterproof Materials

This level 1 science investigation is to see what makes a waterproof fabric. Pupils can build a simple shelter and then cover it with various materials. They are tested by watering them and seeing if the toy gets wet and the shelter survives. The investigation can be used to start using ideas such as hypothesis and prediction as well as developing the concept of a Fair Test.

For more details see our Web page


As always please have a look at our website for more resources and ideas for learning at home. It is constantly being updated and populated with new ideas for all stages of learning, including ideas for learners with Additional Support Needs.

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DofE Resources

Lockdown has made completing the various sections of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award more difficult. On our Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Page

we have detailed the temporary changes that have been made to the award to try and overcome some of the obstacles, including how to change activities and find new assessors. We have also pulled together resources to help participants train for their expeditions at home on the Participants’ Page .

We have recently added a work book, produced by Lupine Adventure that allows participants to check their progress as well as some self test videos from BXM Learning.

As always please have a look at our website for more resources and ideas for learning at home. It is constantly being updated and populated with new ideas for all stages of learning, including ideas for learners with Additional Support Needs.

If you would like to sign up and get a whole host of Outdoor Learning inspiration sent straight to your inbox every Wednesday, then please sign up by following this link:

The Wonders of Moss

Mosses are group of plants that we often ignore. Use Vince’s Wonders of Moss resource and the activities suggested on our web page

to learn more about these amazing plants and support learning in CfE Sciences and Learning for Sustainability.
On our web page you will find out about volunteering opportunities for DofE participants as well how to use the study of moss as an expedition aim.
In addition there are links to three of the Sustainable Development Goals.


As always please have a look at our website for more resources and ideas for learning at home. It is constantly being updated and populated with new ideas for all stages of learning, including ideas for learners with Additional Support Needs.


If you would like to sign up and get a whole host of Outdoor Learning inspiration sent straight to your inbox every Wednesday, then please sign up by following this link:

String Telephone

A string telephone is easy to make and can provide a lot of fun. It also demonstrates the serious point that sound is a vibration that can be carried by solids and as such can be used as a second level science activity. See our website for the video and useful links to a lesson plan and other similar activities.


As always please have a look at our website for more resources and ideas for learning at home. It is constantly being updated and populated with new ideas for all stages of learning, including ideas for learners with Additional Support Needs.


If you would like to sign up and get a whole host of Outdoor Learning inspiration sent straight to your inbox every Wednesday, then please sign up by following this link:


Monday Big Challenge #4 Distancing Designs

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed how we all live and how we will be carrying out our daily tasks in the months and weeks to come.
We have been amazed by the ingenuity of a young boy from Kenya who has designed a fantastic hand washing station to ensure that people don’t even need to touch taps, soap or hand sanitiser to make sure their hands are clean.
Watch this video to find out more:

Inspired by this…can you think of something that you could create that would make our lives easier or better even while we have to social distance.  This could be something that would be useful in school or out of school.
You can draw your invention or…if you have the materials at home, you could try to build something! Think about the Sustainable Development Goals when you are designing your invention:
for more details see our web page.


As always please have a look at our website for more resources and ideas for learning at home. It is constantly being updated and populated with new ideas for all stages of learning, including ideas for learners with Additional Support Needs.


If you would like to sign up and get a whole host of Outdoor Learning inspiration sent straight to your inbox every Wednesday, then please sign up by following this link:

The Water Cycle

We use and see water in our lives every day.  It is used in our homes and even makes up on average around 60% of our body!  On the surface of the Earth, we see water in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans and it is also held in the atmosphere around us.  In this video, Carolyn shows you how to create your own model of the water cycle and we have shared activities relating to this on our web site:

The Water Cycle


As always please have a look at our website for more resources and ideas for learning at home. It is constantly being updated and populated with new ideas for all stages of learning, including ideas for learners with Additional Support Needs.


If you would like to sign up and get a whole host of Outdoor Learning inspiration sent straight to your inbox every Wednesday, then please sign up by following this link: LOST Newsletter

Local History

History is all around us.  Just spending a little amount of time looking closely can help us to see many artefacts from long ago.  In this video clip, Natalie finds some local historical evidence and encourages others to go out to see what they can find in their local area.

On our web page, we have also shared some activity sheets from our partners at Archaeology Scotland which give some ideas about how you can find out more and explore your local area.  Archaeology Scotland also offer the Heritage Heroes Award which is a free award inspiring engagement with heritage.  You can find out more by visiting our web page:

Local History

As always, please have a look at our website for more resources and ideas for learning at home. It is constantly being updated and populated with new ideas for all stages of learning, including ideas for learners with Additional Support Needs.

If you would like to sign up and get a whole host of Outdoor Learning inspiration sent straight to your inbox every Wednesday, then please sign up by following this link:

LOST Newsletter