Settling in at the ECC

Good morning,

All the children have done amazing at settling back into the ECC, and if they have just started are doing great getting used to this new environment and meeting new friends and staff.

I know this can be a concerning time for Parents/carers especially if their child seems to be struggling and not as keen to come.

For our returners this is to be expected, they have just spent a summer at home with their families and as much as they love the ECC once they are in, it can still be a struggle for them getting back into a routine. This session as well there has been a few changes as we are no longer in bubbles the children will be getting used to using both rooms and getting to know new children and staff. Keep in there though as this will ease up as the weeks past.

Our new starts may be the same but again please don’t feel disheartened as it is all new and they will in time adjust to the ECC environment.

If you feel your child is struggling (as well as you) then please speak with a member of staff for some reassurance.



Monday 23rd August

Good afternoon,

I have attached the lunch menu for next week, for all our new starts could I ask parents/carers to chat with their children about staying in the ECC for lunch and what their choices will be?  This will make this next transition a little easier for them. If your child does not like a choice that is available then please do not worry about this as we encourage children to try new things and we are usually quite successful however,  if they still do not like the choice we will ensure they get something substantial to eat.

ECC week 1

Next week you will receive home your child’s ‘All about me!’ and perhaps some forms.  If you could complete and return as your earliest convenience.

I will begin adding on parents to the children’s learning journal profiles. Learning Journals will send you an email to set up username, password and a pin. Once you have set this up and logged on you will only have access to your own child’s profile.

In the ECC we have our ‘Treat Tank’ this is money we will collect every Tuesday. suggested amount is £3. This money will contribute to snack, parties, out in community trips etc. 


We hope you have all had a great first couple of days

Welcome Back 2021-22 Session

Good morning!

We are looking forward to welcoming back our returning children and the children starting with us for the new session.

I am very pleased to let you know that although there are still many COVID restrictions in place that will be detailed below, we are not in separate bubbles.

Restrictions still in place:

  • Staggered drop off and pick up times (detailed below)
  • Children will be collected from ECC playground and brought out at end of session.
  • It is encouraged that Parents/Carers wear masks within the ECC Playground.
  • Encouragement of regular hand washing at home and ECC.

Staggered start and finish times:-

Groups                               Drop off               Pick up

Purple & Blue                  8:40am                 2:40pm

Red & Green                   8:50am                  2:50pm

Yellow                                8:55am                   2:55pm

Please note that the ECC door will close at 9am if you are later please enter at Main Entrance. 

Here is the Group Information;

Red Group

Keyworker – Amanda

Blue Group

Keyworker -Louise

Yellow Group

Keyworkers -Maria/Emma

Purple Group

Keyworker – Tracey

Green Group

Keyworkers – Jill/Moyra

Olivia McK Callum R Charley B Emily M Jacob F
Ellie B Hollie A Ava Ph Harrison D Bella McD
Paisley D Jai McD Ella M Finn Cr Nathan H
Amelia Kl Zoey S Marshall C Rosie N Phoebe Th
Callum G Callan Cr Matilda B Evie L Freya P
Jessica HG Ezra S Violet A Cosmo C Blake A
Adam McG Andii F Blake Dun Holly L Clara McC
   Fara P Lyle G    

We will be taking £3 weekly snack contribution from Tuesday 24th August.

For the children starting with us tomorrow – it is advised to have an induction day of 1-2 hours. Please can you confirm with member of staff in the morning at drop off the time of collection? Thank you.

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

If you have any queries then please contact me on 

Celebrating The Class of 2021

Hello to all our families…….

Well we are nearly at the end of  session 20-21 and would just like to say that we are so proud of all the children (and parents/carers) here at Hurlford ECC. It has been a year of many challenges and we appreciate the continued support shown from all our families.

This year we have been unable to invite parents/carers into the setting to take part in any sessions or for the final celebration for the children. Instead we have put together this Celebration Video. None of us have had a dry eye by the end so we hope you enjoy.

Speaking for all of us it has been an absolute pleasure having the children with us that are moving up after the summer. We will miss you all and look forward to seeing you on the next chapter of your journey.  For our returners we can’t wait to have you back for lots of fun and learning.

From all the staff here at Hurlford ECC.

Please remember that we finish early tomorrow.

12:40pm – Red and Green

12:50pm – Purple and Blue

12:55pm – Yellow

Hurlford ECC Induction – final part

Hello everyone….

Please find below our final part of our ECC Induction.

Go to this Sway

I will aim to contact all our new August starts this week before we finish up for the summer. 

If you have any queries in meantime then please contact me by email –


ECC Celebration – Thursday 17th June

Hello everyone…..

This year we will be celebrating the continuation of the children’s learning journey, whether they are moving up to Primary 1 or staying with us in the ECC by hosting a ‘SHORTS AND SHADES’ party!!

(Children can wear anything they wish too)

The party will be beached themed with games, dancing and even some treats!! A nice way to finish off the session

Unfortunately we cannot hold a Graduation party this year in which grown ups can be invited too but we will have a little surprise for all our families on the last week before the holidays.


We can accept donations of inflatables, beach balls, buckets and spades, bubbles etc

Any queries please speak to a member of staff!


Hurlford ECC Induction – Part 2

Good afternoon,

This is part 2 of our induction for all the children starting with us for session 2021-22.

Go to this Sway

Please remember that your child starts the first Monday of the new month after their 3rd birthday for example; your child turns 3 on 11th September will start on Monday 4th October.  We stop for the holidays on Friday 25th June 2021.  Children return on Thursday 19th August 2021.After today there is one final part of the induction to follow.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Maria Paterson


Getting creative

Hi all,

Hope that you are doing ok isolating – not long to go.

The activity I have for you today, if you have access to a garden are you able to make a little house using sticks and leaves? If not in the garden could you find materials around the house?

Send us your creations!!


Let’s get creative 💙💛💜

Hi Blues, Yellows and Purples. 💙💛💜

Since we having to spend some time at home this week I thought we could use our imaginations and have some fun creating with junk modelling.

Have a look in your cardboard / paper recycling  bin and see what you can find to make a fabulous creation. You could maybe make a rocket, a car, a castle or even a car ramp like Calum did this morning. He used cardboard boxes, toilet roll tubes and tape to stick it all together.

I can’t wait to see your amazing creations.

Debbie 😊

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