Jigsaws 🧩

Hi Everyone

I hope all you guys are feeling good and have been outside as much as you can getting some fresh air πŸ˜€

Today I was thinking that you could try and make your own jigsaws with your grown up.
You will only need 2 things to do this –
1 scissors
2 a picture or photo

I have used a picture out a colouring in book but you could ask your grown up for a photo or maybe a page out a magazine.

I have cut my picture into 4 pieces to start with. See how you get on with that. If that’s too easy try cutting it into 6 bits, then 8 and keep going!
The more pieces you have the harder it is to put back together!

You could try doing it with different picture or you could try drawing a picture of your own and cutting it up.
I would love to see photos of the jigsaws that you make 🧩

Have a great day 😊
Jill 🟩


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