Today Maddie and Ryan visited from Yorkshire Bank to lead a workshop about budgeting. The pupils had to plan a party with a budget and calculate costs. They then calculated the cost of a ticket and presented their ideas and results to the class in a poster format.
P4/5 Science
As part of our science topic of light and the eye we investigated how light travels, refraction, prisms and splitting white light into a spectrum.
P4/5 Maths
P4/5 have collected and collated data on food waste and transport in Fenwick Primary and they have created graphs to show the data in a variety of formats. We then calculated the ‘mean’of clean plates over 4 weeks.
P4/5 Literacy
We created a climate Manifesto and wrote a report on recycling and on Climate Change.
P4/5 Sports Relief
Today P4/5 researched Finlay Russell, The Scottish rugby team captain and created a presentation#. They participated in rugby games led by the House Captains. A great effort from all.
p4/5 Eco
Primary 4/5 went litter picking in the garden, began to fix the bug hotel, built more of the greenhouse and checked the planters for signs of bulbs growing. So far the daffodils are all out and 2 of the bulbs we planted have bloomed.
P4/5 Science and World of Work week
We were lucky to have lots of visitors this week to talk about their role in their work place. Jill Hearns from GE Aerospace, Carol Kane from Vattenfall Renewables, Strider from Living Streets Scotland, Derek from Scottish Power Renewables and Howard from Dean Castle Country Park. The children from the ECC visited us to tell us about recycling and Primary 4/5 taught a lesson on Climate Change to ECC,P1, P2, P3/4 and 4/5. Then on Friday we joined a magic show all about Road Safety.
P4/5 Eco
The pupils were all involved in measuring, sawing, drilling and cutting as we put together the Eco friendly greenhouse made with recycled bottles.
P4/5 Challenge
Primary 4/5 took part in a Building Challenge yesterday. They were allowed to choose to work individually or in a small group. Some building challenges were discussed with the children and then the children built something using lego.
Look at the photos and can you identify what has been made or was in the process of being made.
Some children worked in more than one group to help other children.
We had:
A famous landmark – the Eiffel Tower (it wasn’t finished but it was in the process of being built in the photo).
A fashion show was being hosted along a catwalk.
A city was being created with lots of buildings.
A spaceship and alien were zooming about.
P4/5 World Book Day
A great day designing book tokens, creating a cover for a book based on only hearing the blurb, reading in the garden, creating potato characters, swapping books and reading in a cosy space in the hall and meeting the Killie mascot with a story being shared too!