Data Handling
Primary 2/3 have been busy bees in numeracy. They have been learning about data handling in class. They can use tally marks accurately and use their knowledge of counting in fives and counting on from a number to quickly count the total amount of tally marks.
They have now started learning about bar charts and pictograms. Yesterday, the pupils completed a variety of activities involving written work, technology and practical tasks. When completing their written task, they had to complete a bar chart to show the amount of sea creatures on their page. Using iPads, pupils played a game where they had to read information from a pictogram to answer questions. When completing a practical task, pupils were given a large selection of toy food. They had to discuss and agree as a group how they would sort out the food items. Some groups chose to sort them by colour and some sorted them by food group.
We also had a revision station, where pupils were encouraged to create and complete vertical addition calculations.