Tag Archives: PAThS

P2/3 Health Week Day 1

Fenwick Primary School Health Week
23rd – 27th May 2022

Primary 2/3 had a great start to Health Week today. Pupils started the morning with a mindfulness colouring soft start.


The soft start was followed by Primary 2/3 completing a RSHP lesson. They discussed the body parts they can see with their clothes on and then learned the correct vocabulary for the body parts they can not see with their clothes on. In pairs, pupils labelled body diagrams demonstrating what they had learned. They discussed the importance of knowing and understanding the correct names for these body parts and reinforced their learning that these parts are private. Primary 2/3 pupils were also able to identify that each person is unique and that boys and girls have similarities as well as differences.


Today the children learned all about the feeling ’embarrassed’ and how this feels inside and looks outside our bodies. They identified that it could feel really warm and that they might freeze on the spot. They also identified that they might not stop laughing or they might have a red face. They discussed examples of times they felt embarrassed.

PAThS pupil of the day

Today’s PAThS pupil of the day loved receiving compliments from her peers and also complimenting herself.

Massage in Schools

After lunch the class participated in a massage in schools session in the class which helped to calm everybody down after lunch time.

PE – Taekwondo

We ended our day with a taekwondo session delivered by our visitor Gavin Butler from the Fenwick Taekwondo Club The pupils really showed Mr Butler how respectful and responsible they can be by listening carefully to instructions and copying demonstrations which made for a fun filled session had by all.

Important note

Now we are looking forward to another jam packed day tomorrow. We have lots of outdoor sports activities tomorrow so please make sure that pupils have appropriate and comfortable clothing.

P2/3 Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing Afternoon in P2/3

Yesterday afternoon Primary 2/3 participated in peer massage which got them all relaxed with a clear mindset ready to start their PAThS lesson.


This was followed by our PAThS lesson where we selected a PAThS pupil to receive compliments. This boy was very polite and responded saying thank you to each of his compliments.

Our PAThS lesson focused on making friendships. We re-capped what we had discussed before the Spring break about ‘what makes a good friend?’ then spoke about and shared examples of how we could make friends with new people. Some suggestions included;

  • introduce yourself to them
  • ask them to join in with your game
  • ask if you can play with them
  • ask questions about them like what is your name and what do you like to do?

The pupils then paired up with someone in the class who they don’t usually play with at playtime to carry out some role play situations and a couple of pairs were selected to show their to the class. They were very confident when doing this and the rest of the class were respectful when watching them. Super work from Primary 2/3!

P2/3 PAThS


Today we were learning about friendship and discussed what a good friend is. We then created pictures of us with our friends and wrote what we thought a good friend was. Have a look at the pictures below to see some of the excellent suggestions the pupils came up with.


PAThS pupil of the day

Today’s PAThS pupil said that receiving compliments made him feel good and gave us a thumbs up.


P2/3 PAThS Control Signals & PAThS Pupil

PAThS Control Signals

Primary 2/3 have been learning about the PAThS control signals and how they can use these to manage their feelings to prevent them from ‘losing their temper’ and behaving in a way they might regret.

We read a story which spoke about how we all have an imaginary balloon inside us that gets filled more and more each time we feel an uncomfortable feeling such as anger or upset and once it gets too full it can burst which causes us to behave in a certain way. Usually the way we behave at this point is a ‘not okay’ behaviour and we can often regret it. Using the PAThS control signals, P2/3 have been discussing times when their imaginary balloon has burst in the past and how they reacted to this. They then discussed plans they could have made if they had known about and used the control signals to help them cope with the situation. They came up with some fantastic plans. 

PAThS Pupil

As always, we selected a random pupil from the class to compliment to help boost their self-esteem and build confidence.

P2/3 PAThS


Primary 2/3 listened to a story today about a little boy who was visiting the dentist. They were able to identify a range of feelings the boy felt throughout his day in the lead up to the dental visit and also afterwards. Pupils then discussed times when they’ve felt scared and the impact this had on their bodies such as hearts beating faster or hands shaking.


Primary 2/3 gave some lovely compliments this morning to our PAThS pupil of the day.

P2/3 – PAThS Lesson

scared and safe

Today in primary 2/3 we were learning about the feelings scared and safe. We had lots of discussion about what makes us feel scared and what makes us feel safe. We also discussed different coping strategies we can use when we feel scared.

Here is a snapshot of what the pupils had to say:


Oscar: I feel safe when I’m tucked up in bed.
Jessica: I can do something like think about things that make me happy to make me feel safe.
Lily: I feel safe when I am with a friend.
Regan: I feel safe when I am at school.
Erik: I can cuddle my brother to make me feel safe.
Theo: I feel safe when I hug my mum.
Jim: I feel safe when I am with my mum and dad.
Eve: I feel safe when I get hugs.
Finlay: I can go to my mum and dad to make me feel safe.


Daisy: I had a bad dream about giant spiders and it made me feel scared.
Lily A: I can play with Lego to take my mind of off it when I am scared.
Olivia: I feel scared when there is a thunder storm 
Abbie: I can distract myself when I feel scared.
Riley: I feel scared when I can’t find my mum.
Naila: I get scared when there is a thunder storm.
Sophie: I am scared of nightmares.
Brodie: I feel scared if strangers follow me.
Amy: If I feel scared, I can go to my safe person or my friend. My safe person is my mum and dad and sister.

P2/3 PAThS pupil of the day


Today in PAThS, primary 2/3 learned about comfortable and uncomfortable feelings and discussed some examples of these including; happy, excited, confident, sad, nervous and embarrassed. Primary 2/3 were able to identify ways that these feelings might be displayed on the outside of their bodies and how they might spot if someone is feeling any of these feelings.
Finally, the main message that primary 2/3 took from today was that it is okay to feel comfortable and uncomfortable feelings.

We completed our PAThS lesson with picking our PAThS pupil of the day and giving her some compliments. PAThS pupils are also encouraged to give themselves a compliment.