This week primary 2/3 have been learning about fractions. They have completed several tasks focusing on halves and quarters. The pupils started off by demonstrating their knowledge of halves throughout some Scottish themed activities. They also loved using Hit the Button to calculate halves of numbers. This would be a useful task if any pupils want some extra practise at home. This can be access by clicking here.
Primary 2/3 have been learning about multiplication this week and have been working very hard to complete multiplication calculations. The Circles, Triangles and Squares have been creating repeated addition calculations using Numicon and then working out the related multiplication fact and the Rectangles have been using concrete materials to create equal groups to help them answer multiplication calculations. Look below at our work and what the children had to say about their learning;
Riley – the ‘x’ means times Olivia – the ‘x’ replaces the words ‘groups of’ Oscar – the groups need to be the same number Erik – the one times table is the same number that you multiply by Eve – another word for times is groups of Tommy – you have to have all the same numbers in each group Jessica – It is the same as repeated addition Daisy – all of the answers in the two times table are even
This week in Primary 2/3 we have been working really hard and lots of the pupils have really challenged themselves in their learning producing some excellent standards of work. See below for a little update about some of the things we have been learning about.
In literacy primary 2/3 have been learning about nouns. They worked collaboratively to complete a noun hunt in the classroom and in the playground before attempting their individual tasks. Primary two were able to identify and use nouns for places, people and things. Primary three extended their learning further and learned about proper nouns and common nouns. They learned the rule that proper nouns always begin with a capital letter. The photos below can be enlarged by clicking on them.
Our focus in numeracy at the moment is number and the four operations. some pupils have been creating calculations for their peers using Numicon and other pupils have been learning about the vertical written method for addition (chimney sums). All pupils have been highly engaged with this and have really impressed me with their enthusiasm and their efforts. The photos below can be enlarged by clicking on them.
Primary 2/3 have worked very hard this week focusing on place value. Primary 2 were making place value pizzas and place value monsters using base 10 materials to calculate the value of their pizza toppings or monster body parts. Primary 3 were using dice to create a 4 digit number and then calculating 10, 100 and 1000 more or less than their number.