Tag Archives: Numeracy

P2/3 Numeracy

Data Handling

Primary 2/3 have been busy bees in numeracy. They have been learning about data handling in class. They can use tally marks accurately and use their knowledge of counting in fives and counting on from a number to quickly count the total amount of tally marks.

They have now started learning about bar charts and pictograms. Yesterday, the pupils completed a variety of activities involving written work, technology and practical tasks. When completing their written task, they had to complete a bar chart to show the amount of sea creatures on their page. Using iPads, pupils played a game where they had to read information from  a pictogram to answer questions. When completing a practical task, pupils were given a large selection of toy food. They had to discuss and agree as a group how they would sort out the food items. Some groups chose to sort them by colour and some sorted them by food group. 

We also had a revision station, where pupils were encouraged to create and complete vertical addition calculations.

P2/3 – We have been learning about time


This week we have been learning lots about time. The pupils have been able to tell the time on the hour and half past the hour using an analogue clock. They are now starting to tell the time at quarter past the hour.

The pupils have also learned how to record digital time and have started making links between different times and their daily routine.

We have also had lots of discussion and tasks which have focused on days on the week, months of the year and seasons. This is ongoing each morning as we update our class calendar. 

All pupils really have worked super hard so far with their learning of time and I am really impressed at their efforts.

P2/3 Measure: Capacity

In Numeracy today we have been exploring capacity.

Circles and Triangles were exploring using the words – full, empty, nearly full, 1/2 full, almost empty those a range of activities and estimating how many cups it would take to fill different containers.

Squares and Rectangles were focusing on filling containers to 1litre and 1/2 litre.  They also worked out how many 1/2L it would take to make 1L.

P2/3 Numeracy – Money


Over the past fortnight Primary 2/3 have been learning about money during their numeracy lessons.
They have learned through a range of experiences including independent and collaborative tasks, role play in our Fenwick Cafe (using the menus they created during last week’s writing lesson) and using technology. All pupils have developed lots of useful skills such as;

  • Identifying values of different coins
  • Correct notation including the ‘£’ and ‘p’
  • Paying for items using a range of coins
  • Equivalent amounts
  • Adding up total amounts

P2/3 Measuring Classroom Objects

Yesterday in Numeracy and Maths with Mrs Conetta, the circles and triangles were choosing the most appropriate item to use to measure objects in the classroom.  We used cubes, paper clips, counters, sticks and lollipop sticks.

The squares and triangles were asked to select different objects to measure.  They had to estimate and then accurately measure the object to the nearest centimetre using a ruler.

P2/3 Fantastic fractions

Fantastic Fractions in Primary 2/3

Primary 2/3 have had fun recently when learning about fractions. Have  a look below for a snapshot of some of the activities they have participated in.

The Circles and Triangles group were creating fractions using the blocks. They had to represent the whole on the bottom row by using the denominator to know how many blocks were required then they were to represent the numerator on top. Some pupils extended their learning by writing their own fractions then representing these using the blocks. Lots of successful learners in this.

The pupils write a list of toppings they would like on their pancakes. They wrote what fraction of their pancake they would cover with each topping then put it all together. What a fun activity it was and even better when they got to eat their marvellous creations.