Tag Archives: HWB

P2/3 PAThS pupil of the day


Today in PAThS, primary 2/3 learned about comfortable and uncomfortable feelings and discussed some examples of these including; happy, excited, confident, sad, nervous and embarrassed. Primary 2/3 were able to identify ways that these feelings might be displayed on the outside of their bodies and how they might spot if someone is feeling any of these feelings.
Finally, the main message that primary 2/3 took from today was that it is okay to feel comfortable and uncomfortable feelings.

We completed our PAThS lesson with picking our PAThS pupil of the day and giving her some compliments. PAThS pupils are also encouraged to give themselves a compliment.

P2/3 PAThS pupil of the day

PAThS pupil of the day

Every week Primary 2/3 will be participating in two PAThS lessons. At the start of each of these lessons a pupil is selected to be our PAThS pupil of the day. This pupil will receive compliments from their peers and will also be encouraged to compliment themselves to increase self-esteem and confidence. Pupils are also encouraged to do this at home.

Today’s pupil of the day was Jamie and we have shared his compliments below.