Tag Archives: Health Week 2022

P2/3 Health Week Day 4

Fenwick Primary School Health Week
23rd – 27th May 2022


Primary 5/6 planned and led an orienteering challenge for the lower school. The class were split into teams with some P4/5 leaders in each team to help them. They had to find all the puzzle pieces to create an image. The first team to be successful were rewarded with 5 house points per pupil in their team.


Primary 2/3 enjoyed exploring the garden. They worked fantastic in groups to create their own mud kitchen masterpieces and duplo creations.

Kilmarnock Football Club Community Trust

Primary 2/3 had great fun in the Hexagol as always thank you to the coaches from Kilmarnock Football Club’s Community Sports Trust. They ran off lots of energy.

Nutrition Talk
Parent Helper

We were lucky to have a parent helper in to discuss nutrition with the class. She discussed a balanced diet and the benefits of different nutrients for out bodies. Primary 2/3 pupils then created their own balanced meal and shared them with the class.


P2/3 Health Week Day 3

Fenwick Primary School Health Week
23rd – 27th May 2022

(Kilmarnock Tennis Club)

This morning P2/3 braved the weather and enjoyed participating in tennis out on the courts. The session was delivered by two coaches from Kilmarnock Tennis Club.

(Parent Helper)

After tennis the pupils enjoyed participating in a dance session along with P3/4 delivered by one of our wonderful P1 parent helpers.

Team Games
(Active Schools)

This was followed by fun team games in the playground delivered by Lynsey Hogg from Active Schools.

(Miss Jaffrey)

This afternoon, P2/3 were lucky to enjoy a golf session outdoors where they played some competitive team games. This was delivered by Fenwick’s very own golfing star, Miss Jaffrey.

P2/3 Health Week Day 2

Fenwick Primary School Health Week
23rd – 27th May 2022

We started our morning off with a body scan meditation in class. This was followed by some delicious smoothie making. In groups, we agreed upon what fruit and fruit juice to include before mixing it all up in the blender. Every pupil tried their smoothie and most pupils loved their smoothie.

PE – Karate

After break we participated in a karate session delivered by a Sensi from Senjokai Karate Academy in the PE hall. Sensi was amazing with the children and they had amazing fun from start to finish with lots of laughter and smiles. Every pupil has brought home a leaflet today in their bag in case they are interested in pursuing this further.

Positive Mindset
Spreading Kindness

All pupils participated in a top secret positivity task – ask them what they have been up to!

PE – Rugby

After lunch we had a coach from Kilmarnock Rugby Club deliver a session focusing on passing and touch tackling through a range of games. Unfortunately the rain made an appearing after we had started our session and it poured down but this didn’t stop the children from enjoying the session. If any children are interested in joining in with training at Kilmarnock Rugby Club they can go  along on a Wednesday night between 6:30 and 7:30.

P2/3 Health Week Day 1

Fenwick Primary School Health Week
23rd – 27th May 2022

Primary 2/3 had a great start to Health Week today. Pupils started the morning with a mindfulness colouring soft start.


The soft start was followed by Primary 2/3 completing a RSHP lesson. They discussed the body parts they can see with their clothes on and then learned the correct vocabulary for the body parts they can not see with their clothes on. In pairs, pupils labelled body diagrams demonstrating what they had learned. They discussed the importance of knowing and understanding the correct names for these body parts and reinforced their learning that these parts are private. Primary 2/3 pupils were also able to identify that each person is unique and that boys and girls have similarities as well as differences.


Today the children learned all about the feeling ’embarrassed’ and how this feels inside and looks outside our bodies. They identified that it could feel really warm and that they might freeze on the spot. They also identified that they might not stop laughing or they might have a red face. They discussed examples of times they felt embarrassed.

PAThS pupil of the day

Today’s PAThS pupil of the day loved receiving compliments from her peers and also complimenting herself.

Massage in Schools

After lunch the class participated in a massage in schools session in the class which helped to calm everybody down after lunch time.

PE – Taekwondo

We ended our day with a taekwondo session delivered by our visitor Gavin Butler from the Fenwick Taekwondo Club The pupils really showed Mr Butler how respectful and responsible they can be by listening carefully to instructions and copying demonstrations which made for a fun filled session had by all.

Important note

Now we are looking forward to another jam packed day tomorrow. We have lots of outdoor sports activities tomorrow so please make sure that pupils have appropriate and comfortable clothing.