Our class newsletter has been updated for this term to give an overview of what children will be learning about in school. Please click the link below or click on the ‘Class Information’ tab of our blog and scroll to the bottom to see our newsletter.
P2/3 Note to parents
Note to Parents
Could we please ask that children refrain from bringing toys into school. There has been lots of cases of children losing or breaking toys which causes upset throughout the day and we’d like to avoid this situation arising.
Thank you for your support with this,
Miss Thomson
P2/3 PAThS
Primary 2/3 listened to a story today about a little boy who was visiting the dentist. They were able to identify a range of feelings the boy felt throughout his day in the lead up to the dental visit and also afterwards. Pupils then discussed times when they’ve felt scared and the impact this had on their bodies such as hearts beating faster or hands shaking.
Primary 2/3 gave some lovely compliments this morning to our PAThS pupil of the day.
P2/3 Achievements
Please have a look at this week’s wonderful achievements by clicking on the link below or clicking the ‘Achievements’ tab on our class blog.
P2/3 Angles
P2/3 made right angle checkers today and explored the classroom to find objects with right angles and angles bigger or smaller than right angles.
P2/3 Homework
Homework for this week has now been updated. This can be accessed via the ‘Homework’ tab on our class blog or by clicking the link below.
P2/3 Snow Fun
Primary 2/3 enjoyed some fun outdoors in the snow today. Have a look at these smiley faces.
Watching the Christmas Assembly
We watched the Christmas Assembly from esgoil.
Fun at our party
Winner of Best Dancer
Christmas Present Game
Winner of Musical Bumps
Having a well deserved snack and juice.
The children agreed on the games they wanted to play.
Winner of Musical Statues
Winner of 4 corners and Pass the Parcel.
P2/3 Homework Update
There will be no homework allocated this week or next due to us being very close to Christmas break.
If you child would like to complete some learning at home they will still be able to access Sumdog and BugClub (however no new books will be allocated).
Homework will resume in January and the blog will be updated when this is issued.