Primary 2/3 had lots of fun today for Killieween. Have a look through the photos for a little snapshot of what we got up to.
We completed lots of Halloween activities including Halloween themed JustDance, musical bumps, sharing jokes and even competing in a Mummy competition! Excellent costumes, pumpkins and smiles all round.
This week in Primary 2/3 we have been working really hard and lots of the pupils have really challenged themselves in their learning producing some excellent standards of work. See below for a little update about some of the things we have been learning about.
In literacy primary 2/3 have been learning about nouns. They worked collaboratively to complete a noun hunt in the classroom and in the playground before attempting their individual tasks. Primary two were able to identify and use nouns for places, people and things. Primary three extended their learning further and learned about proper nouns and common nouns. They learned the rule that proper nouns always begin with a capital letter. The photos below can be enlarged by clicking on them.
Our focus in numeracy at the moment is number and the four operations. some pupils have been creating calculations for their peers using Numicon and other pupils have been learning about the vertical written method for addition (chimney sums). All pupils have been highly engaged with this and have really impressed me with their enthusiasm and their efforts. The photos below can be enlarged by clicking on them.
We started our new focus in PE today. Â We are going to be developing our tennis skills over the coming weeks. Â Today we focused on ball and racquet familiarisation.
Homework for this week has now been updated and can be accessed by clicking the homework tab or the link below. I have only allocated spelling homework as this is a shorter week however there are suggestions for optional reading and numeracy tasks.
The achievements have now been updated for Primary 2/3 on our achievements page.
Please remember to let me know if your child has any wider achievements from outwith school as these are also shared and celebrated during our weekly assembly. Certificates and/or medals can be brought in to show during this time.