
Prize Giving

A huge well done to this young boy in P2 for achieving the Endeavour Award this year for all his hard work in school which he was presented with at last week’s prize giving. He really has tried his best with his learning as well as in the playground. Super effort!

Thursday 9th July 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Lily (P2) for performing on stage recently in her first ever show and singing a solo. She was very confident.

Well done to Oscar for winning 1st prize in the under P7 cake decoration competition at the jubilee party at the weekend!
Well done to Lily A on achieving two trophies (both for first place) and two rosettes (fourth and fifth place) for horse riding.
Well done to Sophie for winning 3rd place at the Newmilns show for showing off her calf. She also got 6th place for showing her calf in the Ayrshire Calves category.
Well done to Jamie who received his Stanley 7 badge at swimming!
Well done to Eve for achieving her Goldfish 2 badge at swimming!
Well done to Regan and Riley for being super brave when getting a vaccination. They showed off their certificates for this. 

Caught Being Kind
We’ve had lots of kindness caught by the Wellbeing Bees this week. They each received a reward card to share with their class and ten house points.

This girl was making sure that everybody could join in when playing in the playground.

This girl was caught being kind by including children form her class and other classes in her game of tig. 

This boy was caught being kind as he was playing nicely with his friends.

Thursday 19th May 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Eve for achieving super stretcher of the week. She demonstrated excellent listening while she was at gymnastics which contributed to her achieving this week’s award.
Well done to Lily for receiving a rosette for coming third in her practice horse show. 

Class of the Week
Primary 2/3 won class of the week this week for having the most house points in the school. They are delighted to have Fiona Fox visit for another week and receive their extra playtime as a reward. Well done to all of the Primary 2/3 super stars!

Caught Being Kind
This girl has been ‘caught being kind’ this week by our Wellbeing Bees as she was helping her friend when they were playing in the playground during lunch time.

Awards presented at assembly

Thursday 12th May April 2022

Thursday 28th April 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Lily A as she received a rosette for her Easter jumping competition at horse riding on Monday night.

Thursday 21st April 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Lily A, she has been awarded two rosettes from a recent dog show. The first rosette was for taking part in an agility course and the second was for showing off her cousins dog. Lily also received a medal and certificate for her recent ‘ore bronze’ dancing assessment.
Well done to Eve for achieving her pre-bronze certificate and medal at dancing recently. She managed to achieve the highest score available. Super work!
Well done to Jessica for achieving two badges whilst at Center Parks for participating in tree top climbing and archery. Jessica also received gym star of the week certificate at gymnastics and she received a swimming badge for moving up from Stanley 4 to Stanley 5/6.

Thursday 31st March 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Amy for making her Brownie promise. She received a certificate for this and her Brownie promise badge.

Spotted Being Kind:

Rose was ‘spotted being kind’ by our Wellbeing Bees in the playground for using excellent manners. 

Jim was also ‘spotted being kind’ by our Wellbeing Bees in the playground as he was showing good listening and helping the P7 pupils.

Each pupil received a ‘spotted being kind’ reward card which they could share with their class and they earned 10 house points each.

Thursday 24th March 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Lily A for achieving gymnast of the week. She shared her certificate with the rest of the school during our Teams assembly.

Thursday 17th March 2022

Thursday 10th March 2022

Class Achievement:
This week P2/3 were the winning class, again, for earning the most house points in the school. This means they get to keep the certificate displayed on the outside of their class door for all to see and have earned an extra 15 minute play time which will take place before next week’s assembly. Well done to the P2/3 super stars!

Thursday 3rd March 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Eve for achieving a Super Stretcher award in gymnastics this week and also achieving the highest possible grade for her recent dancing assessment.
Well done to Olivia for also achieving a Super Stretcher award at gymnastics this week.

Class Achievement:
This week P2/3 were the winning class for earning the most house points in the school. They have a lovely certificate to display on our class door for everyone to see and have earned an extra 15 minute play time which will take place before next week’s assembly.

Thursday 24th February 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Jessica for achieving a new belt in Taekwondo and moving on to a longer class because she can be trusted.
Excellent news from Naila and Amy on achieving their first Brownie badge. They received this badge for joining their first group

Thursday 3rd February 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Finlay for achieving gymnast of the night last Thursday – super achievement.
Excellent news from Erik that he achieved the most scores at rugby.

Thursday 27th January 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Eve for achieving gym star of the week.
Well done to Lily (P2) for moving up a class in dancing after all of her hard work.

Thursday 20th January 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Jessica who achieved gymnast of the night at gymnastics.
Well done to Erik for coming first place in an assault course race at rugby.

HT Award: Mrs Davidson has given all children the HT Award this week for their hard work throughout the time she has been at the school.

Thursday 13th January 2022

Wider Achievements :
Well done to Jessica who achieved her 9th cup in Tae Kwon Do and moved up a level in swimming.
Well done to Lily A for moving up a level in swimming.
Well done to Riley who managed to do a dolphin kick at swimming.

HT Award: Well done Naila for demonstrating our school value of Responsible by following the classroom expectations.


Friday 9th December 2021

Wider Achievements : Well done to Jessica and Finlay for performing in their first ever gymnastics display for Christmas.

HT Award: Jessica for demonstrating our school value of Responsible as she is always ready to learn and well prepared for each lesson.


Friday 3rd December 2021

HT Award: Riley for showing respect towards her class mates and the teacher.

Thursday 26th November 2021

HT Award: Regan for being responsible and respectful in class towards class teachers and her peers. She is always listening carefully and ready to learn.

Thursday 18th November 2021

Wider Achievements

Well done to Oscar who received a certificate of achievement for taking part in Read Around Summer: The Big Staycation.

Thursday 11th November 2021

Wider Achievements

Erik scored lots of scores in rugby at the weekend.

Thursday 4th November 2021

Wider Achievements

Oscar learned to do a front roll at home. Super work Oscar!

Jamie achieved his STanley 6  award at swimming. Well Done!

Thursday 25th October 2021

This week’s awards are shared below. Unfortunately we can’t get the photos to upload but will sort this as soon as possible.

Successful Learners:
Brodie for excellent addition work this week.
Erik for his vertical addition work involving regrouping.
Confident Individuals:
Eve and Naila for having a ‘can do’ attitude towards numeracy.
HT Award:
Jamie for having a responsible attitude in class and in the playground.

Thursday 21st October 2021

Super work in Primary 2/3 this week after a well deserved October break.


Thursday 7th October 2021

Some excellent achievements this week in Primary 2/3.
Well done for all the hard work!

Wider Achievements – Well done to Abbie for achieving a super stretcher award at gymnastics!


Thursday 29th September 2021

Primary 2/3 worked really hard this week and enjoyed lots of numeracy time outdoors as we celebrated Maths Week Scotland.

Thursday 23rd September 2021

Over the past week Primary 2/3 have been super stars. They have been working hard developing Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing skills as well as learning lots about animals around the world.

Thursday 16th September 2021

This week Primary 2/3 really have been working hard and I am so incredibly impressed at their effort, determination and perseverance.


Thursday 9th September 2021

Have a look at this week’s super achievers in Primary 2/3. Please remember to let us know if the children have any wider achievements out with school so that we can celebrate this in school with them. 

Wider Achievements

Well done to Jessica for achieving a swimming certificate and to Jessica and Finlay for moving up a class in gymnastics.

Thursday 2nd September 2021

Primary 2/3 have been working really hard this week and some super stars have been identified by achieving some excellent awards.

HEAD TEACHERS AWARD was presented to Brodie for super listening at all times! Well done!

Responsible Citizen for following instructions in class.

Effective Contributor for contributing to class discussions about children’s rights.  

Thursday 26th August 2021

After a fantastic week back at school some very well deserved awards were given out today during our Teams assembly with Mrs McKillop. Well done P2/3.


Successful Learner for being able to explain what a connective is. She was able to identify connectives and use them in her own sentences.
Responsible Citizen – Olivia for super listening and following instructions all week in class.
Wider Achievements
Jamie is a super star and has achieved his STAnley 5 award at swimming

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