P2/3 Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning
The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch

Primary 2/3 took their learning outside this morning. They started off by completing a paired scavenger hunt in the school garden looking for images which showed different parts of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch story. Then they went into the playground to place their pictures into the order in which they happened in the story. After this, they collected natural materials from the garden to create a lovely picture frame around their storyboard. Finally, a couple of the pairs shared their story board and frame with the rest of the class and discussed how they completed their final piece of work.

Pupils taking part in their scavenger hunt to find the pictorial representations of the story.

Pupils discussing the correct order of the story and then creating a natural picture frame around their storyboard.

Pupils discussing their storyboard and frame with their peers.

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