Fun at our party

Winner of Best Dancer

Christmas Present Game

Winner of Musical Bumps

Having a well deserved snack and juice.

The children agreed on the games they wanted to play.


Winner of Musical Statues

Winner of 4 corners and Pass the Parcel.

P2/3 Homework Update

There will be no homework allocated this week or next due to us being very close to Christmas break.

If you child would like to complete some learning at home they will still be able to access Sumdog and BugClub (however no new books will be allocated).

Homework will resume in January and the blog will be updated when this is issued.

P2/3 – PAThS Lesson

scared and safe

Today in primary 2/3 we were learning about the feelings scared and safe. We had lots of discussion about what makes us feel scared and what makes us feel safe. We also discussed different coping strategies we can use when we feel scared.

Here is a snapshot of what the pupils had to say:


Oscar: I feel safe when I’m tucked up in bed.
Jessica: I can do something like think about things that make me happy to make me feel safe.
Lily: I feel safe when I am with a friend.
Regan: I feel safe when I am at school.
Erik: I can cuddle my brother to make me feel safe.
Theo: I feel safe when I hug my mum.
Jim: I feel safe when I am with my mum and dad.
Eve: I feel safe when I get hugs.
Finlay: I can go to my mum and dad to make me feel safe.


Daisy: I had a bad dream about giant spiders and it made me feel scared.
Lily A: I can play with Lego to take my mind of off it when I am scared.
Olivia: I feel scared when there is a thunder storm 
Abbie: I can distract myself when I feel scared.
Riley: I feel scared when I can’t find my mum.
Naila: I get scared when there is a thunder storm.
Sophie: I am scared of nightmares.
Brodie: I feel scared if strangers follow me.
Amy: If I feel scared, I can go to my safe person or my friend. My safe person is my mum and dad and sister.

P2/3 multiplication work


Primary 2/3 have been learning about multiplication this week and have been working very hard to complete multiplication calculations. The Circles, Triangles and Squares have been creating repeated addition calculations using Numicon and then working out the related multiplication fact and the Rectangles have been using concrete materials to create equal groups to help them answer multiplication calculations. Look below at our work and what the children had to say about their learning;

Riley – the ‘x’ means times
Olivia – the ‘x’ replaces the words ‘groups of’
Oscar – the groups need to be the same number
Erik – the one times table is the same number that you multiply by
Eve – another word for times is groups of
Tommy – you have to have all the same numbers in each group
Jessica – It is the same as repeated addition
Daisy – all of the answers in the two times table are even