P2/3 – Request from P2/3

If possible, could all pupils please bring in an old shirt, t-shirt or polo shirt. It would be preferred if this is bigger than the pupils normal clothing size (e.g. parent/carers old tops). This is to be used for painting in school so should be something that can get messy and can be left in school. We do however have some aprons in school for any pupils who do not have an old top to bring in.

Thank you very much in advance,
Miss Thomson

P2/3 – Look at what we’ve been doing in class

Literacy – Reading

Today Primary 2/3 have been learning to write predictions about their reading books. They used information from the front covers to help them think about what theĀ  book might be about before reading the book and discussing how accurate their predictions were. This was a great talking point about the famous saying ‘never judge a book by its cover’. Have a look below to read some of our predictions.

I think that my book will be fiction. I think the animals will grow food. (Finlay, P2)

I think that my book will be fiction. I think it will be about a boy that sleeps in a tree with his teddy. (Jessica, P2)

I think that my book is going to be non-fiction. I think my book is going to be about animals. (Erik, P2)

I think that my book will be non-fiction. I think my book will be about mummies. I think this book will have facts about mummies. (Eve, P3)

I think that my book will be all about mummies and Egyptians. I think that my book is non-fiction. (Olivia, P3)