P2/3 One Kind Word Classwork

Anti Bullying Week
One Kind Word

Today each pupil wrote  a compliment or some kind words for one of their peers in class. Miss Thomson then read each of them out but kept them anonymous as to who had written each comment. We discussed how kind words make us feel when we give them as well as when we receive them.

Olivia – It feels very very good or amazing when someone gives you a compliment.
Amy – It makes me feel warm and loved.
Sophie – It makes me feel happy.
Eve – It makes me feel a feeling that I don’t normally feel.
Riley – It’s amazing to feel like this.
Regan – It’s amazing and happy and the emotions you can think of except from sad.
Naila – It makes me feel happy.
Erik – It makes me feel great and happy. It makes me feel amazing and good.
Lily A – It makes me feel comfortable and warm.
Oscar – It feels the best.
Jamie – It makes me feel amazing.
Daisy – It makes me feel good and amazing.
Lily – It makes me feel loving.
Jessica – It makes me feel comfortable.
Jim – It’s really nice to receive compliments but it’s even better to give them.
Brodie – It makes me feel nice.
Finlay – I feel good.
Theo – I feel happy.

P2/3 – PAThS Pupil Of The Day

PAThS Pupil Of The Day

Today we were learning more about comfortable and uncomfortable feelings. P2/3 decided that feeling ‘fine’ is a comfortable feeling and that feeling ‘tired’ can sometimes be comfortable but sometimes uncomfortable. They also identified that both boys and girls and adults and children can feel the same types of feelings but they might feel these feelings at different times and for different reasons.

P2/3 Firework Safety

Today P2/3 have learned about the history of Guy Fawkes and the importance of Firework Safety. We finished our learning off by creating some firework pictures using black card and brightly coloured chalk.

Oscar said – we should keep a safe distance away from fireworks.
Jessica said – it would be sensible to stay inside and watch fireworks through the window.
Jamie said – if a firework comes towards you then run away and shout help.
Amy said – you need to keep a safe distance because if a firework comes towards you it can really injure you.
Abbie said – if a firework comes towards you, you could get burned and have to go to hospital.
Erik said – stay away from fireworks. They should be stored in secure box or tin. 
Jim said – if anything happens you should STOP, DROP and ROLL.


P2/3 – Positional Language

Last week we began to learn about positional language and how important knowing these words were.  We came up with a list of important words.  Here are some we thought of: left, right, forward, backwards, beside, under, on.

Today, P2/3 came up with long list of jobs in which people need to use positional language. Here are a few examples, police officers, ambulance drivers, nurses, doctors, pilots, taxi and bus drivers.

We have been using positional language to direct each other in the playground to different coloured markers, to find objects on a treasure map with the help of Lego figures to help with left and right and becoming familiar with using the Beebots.