P2/3 Directions

The Circles and Triangles have been programming the beebots to travel about their grid to find treasure.

The Rectangles and Squares have been looking at developing their directions by using the terms clockwise, anti-clockwise, 1/2 and 1/4 turns. They created their own Lego town and then wrote directions to direct each other to different locations.

P2/3 – 5 Days of Kindness Challenge for Anti-Bullying Week

Anti Bullying Week
One Kind Word

We have been spreading the kindness all week for Anti Bullying Week as part of their #OneKindWord theme. Yesterday as you know we went on a community kindness walk to Hallhouse. We made posters to hold up at the windows with kind words and some of the residents even came outside to meet us. On the way back we stopped at the pharmacy and the pupils sang ‘You Are a Star’ to the pharmacists. It was a lovely afternoon with lots of smiles.

P2/3 – Important Message Please Read

Anti-Bullying Week
One Kind Word

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, each class has been allocated a day to spread kindness however they wish for the #5DaysOfKindnessChallenge. Primary 2/3 pupils suggested spreading kindness in the community by going a walk and giving people compliments and smiles. Another suggestion from the pupils was to visit Hallhouse Care Home to spread kindness to the residents.

Our allocated day for spreading kindness is tomorrow (Thursday 18th November) so we will be going on our community kindness walk to Hallhouse after lunch. Mrs Moore and Miss Thomson will be leading this with the children.

Please make sure all pupils are dressed for the weather. We would suggest wellies or even spare socks and a warm waterproof jacket in case it rains.Â