Login details were sent home today with all children who were in. Pupils were asked to put this in their school bag. If it is not in her bag I can print a new slip for her tomorrow. Miss Thomson.
Hiya, I have reset it tonight to the same details as she brought home today. If you try again it should work. If not I can check it tomorrow in class with her. Thanks for letting me know. Miss Thomson.
We tried to login to Bug Club but it said the details were wrong. We tried several times and now cannot access it as it says we are locked out and need new login details.
Hi Charlotte
Please could you send Daisy’s login details for Sumdog and BugClub please.
Amy (Daisy’s mum)
Login details were sent home today with all children who were in. Pupils were asked to put this in their school bag. If it is not in her bag I can print a new slip for her tomorrow. Miss Thomson.
Hi Miss Thomson
Lily’s (Adamson) Bug Club login details doesn’t seem to allow her access, please can she check with you tomorrow that she has the correct details.
The Sumdog login works and she has accessed this ok.
Thanks for your help.
Hiya, I have reset it tonight to the same details as she brought home today. If you try again it should work. If not I can check it tomorrow in class with her. Thanks for letting me know. Miss Thomson.
We tried to login to Bug Club but it said the details were wrong. We tried several times and now cannot access it as it says we are locked out and need new login details.
Thank you for letting me know, I will re set this today and we will see if it works in class before home time. Miss Thomson.