What a great time everyone had at the Science Centre today.
Primary 4/5 once again demonstrated our school values throughout the day and made all the staff and parents very proud of them! 
We learned all about the planets and stars during our visit to the planetarium. We explored the different constellations and learned how to find the North Star in the sky. We also travelled in to space to look at the planets in our universe.
Exploring Floor 1
We then had time to investigate, explore, learn and play together on the different levels of the science centre.
Floor 2 and 3
After lunch we visited the Bodywork’s and Powering the Future Floors.
We all agreed that the highlights of our day were ; Planetarium, Dance Mat – generate the energy and spending the day together exploring and having fun.
A huge thank you to Regan and Riley’s Mum,Kerry for coming to help us to make our day run smoothly and helping us to have so much fun.