Reading to our Hallhouse Buddies
After a very busy first week back after the holidays, we enjoyed a walk in the sunshine to Hallhouse.
The residents welcomed us again and we enjoyed sharing our new Bug Club novels with everyone.
The staff enjoyed listening too and made us all a drink of juice before our walk back to school.
Everyone always enjoys our visits and we all end up with a huge smile on our faces.

Reading Visit to Hallhouse Care Home
Today we walked in the sunshine to Hallhouse Care Home to read to the residents.
In class this morning, we chose a book and then made postcards to give to all the residents to let them know how much we love to read.
We had a lovely afternoon sharing our reading, spreading joy and sharing a smile with everyone we met.
All the staff commented on what lovely, polite children we are and how kind and respectful we are.
We are happy to demonstrate our school values wherever we go.

Hallhouse Visit
This afternoon we walked in the sunshine to Hallhouse Care Home. The residents had been looking forward to our visit and were all ready for us in their lounge.

Some of the class felt nervous about reading and did not not know what to expect but once we introduced ourselves and sat down to read our nerves disappeared and everyone read beautifully.

We all agreed that it was a lovely way to spend the afternoon and Claire from the care home told us that we had put a smile on everyone’s face. Mrs Ross and Mrs Moore were very proud of us all.
We are looking forward to going back down soon and sharing our reading again.

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