Danny Champion of the World

Book Reviews
This week we have finished reading Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl. We all agreed that we have loved this story and laughed at lots of the funny incidents that happened and all of the crazy characters.
We created Dodecahedron Book Reviews with everyone adding different information. We wrote about the main characters, favourite chapters, new title ideas and created new covers for the book.
We hope that they might inspire others to read this novel.
We think they look great on our wall display. Lots of classes and teachers have been asking us all about them. We hope that some parents might look at them on Parents Evening.

Botanical Drawings
We learned the definition of the word botany and then what botanical drawings are. We learned that botanical art is a kind of artwork featuring the form and details of plants.
In “Danny Champion of the World” by Roald Dahl, Danny’s dad loved nature and knew the names of all the plants and trees in the woods where they lived. He studied books about nature that contained detailed drawings of plants and trees.
We decided to be botanical artisits for the day. First we gathered leaves, branches and flowers from the garden and studied them in class. We looked at shape and colour and drew detailed illustrations of them. Some of us used watercolours and some of us used pencil to add colour.
Everyone was proud of the drawings that they created.

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