Tag Archives: Article12

P4/5 Secret Student Reward

Secret Student Reward 

We are very excited that we have earned our 20 secret student points and now have earned a class reward. 

We have planned our own day for Thursday 21st December : 

9-10.40 am – Board Games ( you can bring a board game from home – no electronics) 

10.55- 12.35 – Movie (you can bring an oodie/ small blanket and soft toy to use while watching this film and you can also bring a small extra snack to eat while you watch the film) 

1.20p.m – 3p.m – Free Play using class  construction toys / technology


P4/5 Hallhouse Visit

Hallhouse Visit

This afternoon we walked in the sunshine to Hallhouse Care Home. The residents had been looking forward to our visit and were all ready for us in their lounge. 

Some of the class felt nervous about reading and  did not not know what to expect but once we introduced ourselves and sat down to read our nerves disappeared and everyone read beautifully. 

We all agreed that it was a lovely way to spend the afternoon and Claire from the care home told us that we had put a smile on everyone’s face. Mrs Ross and Mrs Moore were very proud of us all. 
We are looking forward to going back down soon and sharing our reading again. 

P4/5 Danny Champion of the World Book Reviews

Danny Champion of the World

Book Reviews

This week we have finished reading Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl. We all agreed that we have loved this story and laughed at lots of the funny incidents that happened and all of the crazy characters. 
We created Dodecahedron Book Reviews with everyone adding different information. We wrote  about the main characters, favourite chapters, new title ideas and created new covers for the book. 
We hope that they might inspire others to read this novel.
We think they look great on our wall display. Lots of classes and teachers have been asking us all about them. We hope that some parents might look at them on Parents Evening. 


P4/5 Literacy and Numeracy

We have had an exciting couple of weeks back at school. Lots of active learning and collaborative activities.
We have been working in partners to practise our spelling using dictation. We love supporting each other by peer assessing our work.
In numeracy we have been learning to round numbers and estimate values. We have played lots of games to consolidate our understanding. We have also been practising our 4x table and looking for patterns to help improve our speed and accuracy.