We will visit Hallhouse Care Home on
Friday 19th April.
This is a change to our planned visit on Thursday 25th April.
This is a change to our planned visit on Thursday 25th April.
So much talent in p4/5. These girls designed and crafted a beautiful paper home and stylish clothes for their handmade paper dolls. Creativity and imagination knows no bounds in our classroom! #FutureDesigners #STEM
We then had time to investigate, explore, learn and play together on the different levels of the science centre.
Today we explored this movement using paper towels to “walk water” between cups.
Paper towels are made of many small fibres that have gaps in between them. Water gets pulled into these gaps by capillary action—the same phenomenon that allows trees to suck water out of the ground.
We then used this knowledge of capillary action to separate colours from black ink. The ink started to flow up the paper towel using capillary action and the pigments of the ink then started to separate. We explored different types of black ink pens and then different coloured pens.
Today some confident, kind and respectful primary 6s visited our class to teach our class how to play Spelling Battleships.
They explained the rules clearly and demonstrated the game in an engaging and interesting way. We all loved learning from them.
We then enjoyed playing a few games in pairs. A great new way for us to practise our spelling.
Thank you to all our parents and grandparents who came along to our literacy open afternoon yesterday.
We enjoyed sharing some of the literacy activities that take place in our class every week including visualiser, clarifier, spelling and grammar tasks.