All posts by eajudith.ross@glow
P4/5 Secret Student Reward Tuesday 4th June
Secret Student Reward
Well Done P4/5 you have earned 20 secret student points together as a team and earned yourselves a reward!
Mrs Ross is going to take you to the garden on Tuesday afternoon (4th June) and we will have a camp fire and make hot chocolate and toast marshmallows. We will then have some time playing in the garden, including using the mud kitchen, so make sure you have shoes to change in to (if you want to) and older trousers/ leggings that can go in the wash.
We will also have some time in the classroom before lunch having free play together. You can bring 1 small teddy in with you for this activity.
P4/5 Sports Day Preparations
P4/5 Sports Day Preparations
Today we planned our sports day novelty race. We then created the props we will need! We can’t wait for everyone to see our fun race on Sports Day!
Can you guess what we will be doing?
P4/5 Health & Wellbeing Week Friday
Health & Wellbeing Day 5 – Friday
We finished off an amazing week with visit from the Walk to School Mascot, Strider. We took a photo with him and then did a whole school conga through the playground to start our walk home at 3pm.
P4/5 Health and Wellbeing Week Thursday
Health and Wellbeing Week Day 4
We started today by making smoothies in class. We worked together to choose the ingredients we wanted in our group’s smoothie. We then measured out the ingredients, added banana and fruit juice, and blended everything together.
There were mixed reviews, especially in the groups who added blackberries and kale.
After playtime we took part in a team work challege. We had to work together in our group to see who could make the longest paper chain.
Finally we went to a karate session.
Another fun day looking after our Health and Wellbeing.
P4/5 Health and Wellbeing Week Wednesday
Health & Wellbeing Week Day 3
Today we were lucky enough to have student Art Teachers from UWS visit us. They worked with p4-7 on an art project called ‘Making Touch Visible’. We learned about the importance of art to support your wellbeing.
We first came together and learned about Louis Braille. We explored braille writing and the series of dots that are used for the alphabet.
We then made our own puff paint using shaving cream , flour and dye. We used the puff paint to draw animals, food, the weather, summer fun and the beach on our roll of paper to create a mural. Our finished pieces of work look fantastic and will be used for the art students final piece of learning as students.
During our day we also went outdoors to twork with the Kilmarnock Football Coaches to race against the clock to score as many goals as possible.
P4/5 Health and Wellbeing Week – Tuesday
Health Week Day 2
Today we discussed what makes a good friend. We worked together to discuss what it feels like to be included and also how it might feel if you are not included. We discussed scenarios and what we would do in difficult situations with friends. We then spent time learning new facts about each other.
After playtime we joined P6/7 and together we ran our miles towards our journey to Munich. We have improved our stamina over the last few weeks and today everyone achieved their mile (and more!).
We the went to the garden and enjoyed some time together. Lots of the class have found a new love for snails ad slugs. We have been checking our bug hotels and making sure that we also take care of the seedlings that were planted during gardening club .
After lunch we took part in some yoga and Just Dance.
What an action packed day nurturing our Health and Wellbeing!
P4/5 Health and Wellbeing Week -Monday
Health Week Day 1- Monday
What a great start to Health and Wellbeing Week.
We started our day with games in the playground. We enjoyed the sunshine and chance to play together.
After playtime we were lucky enough to have cricket coaches from Kilmarnock Cricket Club visit. Tiago and Dian are visiting from South Africa to coach with KCC and gave up their time to teach us some cricket skills.
In the afternoon we created new Olympic Mascots. We have entered our designs in to the whole school competition.
P4/5 Homework Overview for April and May
Homework has been assigned in the Homework Teams Channel.
P4/5 Reading Visit to Hallhouse Care Home

Reading to our Hallhouse Buddies
After a very busy first week back after the holidays, we enjoyed a walk in the sunshine to Hallhouse.
The residents welcomed us again and we enjoyed sharing our new Bug Club novels with everyone.
The staff enjoyed listening too and made us all a drink of juice before our walk back to school.
Everyone always enjoys our visits and we all end up with a huge smile on our faces.