Compass Points
We have been learning the names of the 8 compass points .
We have used this knowledge to find locations on the map of Orkney and to help us understand some of the locations in our class novel.
Today we took our learning outdoors and used compasses to find where north is in our playground and then we located the other 7points on the compass.
We then gave and followed directions to navigate the playground.
Not even the rain could stop us enjoying this task !

We continue to develop our badminton skills this block.
Today we enjoyed playing shuttlecock wars to warm up.
We are becoming more confident when serving and we are now hitting 2 out of 3 of our serves !
Amazing skills everyone!

Reading Visit to Hallhouse Care Home
Today we walked in the sunshine to Hallhouse Care Home to read to the residents.
In class this morning, we chose a book and then made postcards to give to all the residents to let them know how much we love to read.
We had a lovely afternoon sharing our reading, spreading joy and sharing a smile with everyone we met.
All the staff commented on what lovely, polite children we are and how kind and respectful we are.
We are happy to demonstrate our school values wherever we go.

Clay Pots
In our novel The Boy with the Bronze Axe, we have been learning about the different jobs and skills people had in the stone age. They made their pots from clay and were skilled pottery makers who created pots and added decorations to their design.
We became potters for the afternoon. We used air dry clay and shaped and decorated our pots.

East Ayrshire Council site