Monthly Archives: December 2023
P4/5 Secret Student Reward
Secret Student Reward
We are very excited that we have earned our 20 secret student points and now have earned a class reward.
We have planned our own day for Thursday 21st December :
9-10.40 am – Board Games ( you can bring a board game from home – no electronics)
10.55- 12.35 – Movie (you can bring an oodie/ small blanket and soft toy to use while watching this film and you can also bring a small extra snack to eat while you watch the film)
1.20p.m – 3p.m – Free Play using class construction toys / technology
P4/5 Reading Schools
Reading Schools Pupil School Improvement Committee
We are very excited to hear that our school has been awarded the first stage of our Reading Schools Award. We are now a core level reading school!
We are also delighted to reveal that one of the pupils in our class had their design chosen for the Reading Schools Committe Logo! Well done we are very proud of your hard work.
P4/5 Writing
How to Steal Christmas
This term we have focused on Instructional Writing.
We have written for a wide variety of purposes and learned about rhetorical questions, imperative(bossy)verbs, time openers and bullet points.
For our final piece of writing , we read How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr Seuss. We then wrote the instructions for stealing Christmas – Grinch Style!
We had great fun adding illustrations and warnings to our writing.
We watched The Grinch film as a reward for our ambitious writing and Mr Houston sent some sweet treats for us all.
Have a read at our fabulous work!
P4/5 Pantomime
We had so much fun watching the pantomime today …oh no you didn’t! Oh yes we definitely did!!
One of the birthday girls in our class even got to go on to the stage and help out with one of the songs!
P4/5 Christmas Lunch
Christmas Lunch
On Thursday we enjoyed sitting together as a school to eat our Christmas lunch with our teachers.
P4/5 Class Library Refresh
Today everyone had the chance to choose some new books for our class library.
The Reading Schools Committee sent us a box of donated books for us to have a look through and choose to restock our class library. Mrs Ross had also been to a charity shop and chosen some books for us to look through too.
Everyone found some new authors and titles to try.
We were also delighted to find that the mobile library had also listened to some of our requests and ordered in some animal books and escape room books for us to read in class.
P4/5 Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas Jumper Day and School Fayre
Everyone got in to the festive spirit and wore their Christmas jumper to school today.

We also enjoyed singing at our Christmas Fayre and spending time with our families, buying lots of Christmassy things at all the stalls.
It was a really busy day and we were excited to hear how much money had been raised.
P4/5 Football with Kilmarnock Community Coaches
PE- Football Coaching
We have really enjoyed learning new skills and developing our football technique with the community coaches from Kilmarnock FC.
P4/5 Mould Juice Lessons with GSK
Mould Juice
Did you know that penicillin was first called Mould Juice?
Did you know that Alexander Fleming was one of two Nobel Prize winners educated at Kilmarnock Academy?
Today we were lucky enough to have a science lesson deliverd by Glaxo Smith Kline.
We learned that Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin after the First World War.
We carried out an experiment in class :
Half of the class sanitised their hands and half of the class left their hands unsantised.
We then all touched a piece of bread each.
Next we sprayed the bread with water.
Then we put the bread in a sealed bag and placed in a dark place in the classroom.
We will observe the growth over the next 2 weeks.