Category Archives: Primary 6 20/21

P6 Team Activities

P6 have spent today and yesterday completing team challenges to gain points for their team. This has included; news reporting, daily mile, new movie synopsis, sports challenges, STEAM spaghetti tower challenge and a scavenger hunt. All tasks have involved teamwork and creative thinking.  Here are a few photos of their spaghetti tower building. Super work P6!

John Muir Discovery Award

This session Primary 6 and 7 have been working towards the John Muir Discovery Award. As part of our journey the children have had the opportunity to experience pond dipping, geocaching, orienteering and learnt more about the history of Dunlop.

The John Muir Award is a fantastic way to encourage our young people to become more aware of their surroundings and it was lovely to see all of the primary 6 and 7 children having fun and learning more about nature.

Primary 6 created ThingLink presentations to showcase their experience, click on the links below to have a look at some of the work they produced.

We are incredibly proud of all of our pupils and delighted to say that the have been successful in achieving their Discovery Award. Primary 6 will continue on their John Muir journey as they move into Primary 7.

Dunlop Primary Sketchnote

In November 2019 Dunlop Primary and ECC were inspected by HMIe. We received a fantastic report which highlighted some of the amazing practice within the school. After the initial report was published Mrs Wilson was contacted by our lead inspector, as after some reflection he felt that our Literacy should be highlighted as excellent practice, and to reflect this Education Scotland got in touch to create a Sketchnote and blog. This will be showcased nationally in the Education Scotland newsletter and website.

As a staff team we are immensely proud that our school has received the recognition we feel it deserves. This has been a real team effort and a reflection of strong support that staff, parents and children continue to give each other.

I am immensely proud to have been part of this journey and am looking forward to where we go next.

Miss White





Primary 6 Term 3

Primary 6 are already off to a flying start and have been incredibly busy working on many different aspects of the curriculum.


This term we will finish ready Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and will begin Dragon Fire by Anne Forbes. We will continue to embed our reading strategies with a particular focus on main idea and summary.

For writing we will look at the functional genres persuasive writing and explanation reports. The children will be encouraged to pay particular attention to the their tools for writing, focusing on punctuation.


So far this term we have  covered Money, more specifically hire purchase and budgeting, Angles and Area of triangles and rectangles. For the rest of the term we will look at number, including fractions, decimals and percentages.

Mrs Fullard who will be working with the children on Thursday and Fridays will cover symmetry and tessellation as well as problem solving strategies.

Health and Wellbeing

This term we will cover Relationships, sexual Health and Parenthood. The focus in Primary 6 will be to cover aspects of puberty. You can find more information on this by accessing the parent information booklets within the Useful Documents section on the Blog.

We will also continue to focus on our emotional and  mental health and strategies exploring ways to help support ourselves and others.


The children are thoroughly enjoying their work towards the John Muir Award and this will continue until the end of term. There are many aspects to this work including enjoying our natural surroundings, learning more about the science behind nature and sharing our learning with the wider community.

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood – Parent Information

Please find below the link to the Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood parental information letters.








Mrs Wilson – An Inspirational Head Teacher


On Friday, the whole school came together outdoors in a Covid safe way to let Mrs Wilson know what she meant to us, how we appreciated her hard work and commitment to Dunlop and to wish her well on her new and exciting chapter.

Mrs Wilson was the kindest, most nurturing, upbeat person you could ever hope to meet and we were so fortunate to have her lead Dunlop Primary School and ECC for seven years.

Mrs Wilson supported many children and staff over the years, and she was a trusted and valued colleague and friend to us all.  We will all miss Mrs Wilson, and of course, we will miss her assemblies from her garden shed.

We presented Mrs Wilson with lots of gifts as a token of how much she meant to us and then she took a walk of honour around the park to say goodbye to each child.

Thank you Mrs Wilson for being our Head Teacher and for always working so hard for Dunlop Primary School and ECC.

You are an inspiration!

Take care Mrs Wilson and don’t forget to wave to us when you are walking Tilly and Toby!

With kind regards, Mrs Nouillan and everyone at Dunlop Primary and ECC

World Book Day 2021 – P4-7 Extreme Reader

This week saw  Dunlop Primary celebrating World Book Day! Although P4-7 are still at home we didn’t want to miss out on all the fun. We asked the children to do a bit of Extreme Reading and they certainly didn’t let us down! Please watch the attached video to see what they all got up to!



Mrs Fullard’s Family Learning – Friday 5th February

Follow the links on the word document attached to this assignment to choose one family learning challenges.
Click here for the work document – Week 4 Family Activities
Your choices this week are:
Challenge 1 – Mental Health and Wellbeing Week – We are all stars!
Challenge 2 – Winter Walk challenges
Challenge 3 – STEM – making slime (adult supervision only!)
Challenge 4 – Drawing and reading Odd Dog Out with Steve Biddulph (or Robot drawing)
The links for the resources are in the forms below:
Art Links
Slime Links
Most importantly, have fun with your family challenges! I look forward to seeing what you get up to.