Category Archives: Primary 3a 20/21

Mrs Fullard’s Family Learning – Friday 5th February

Follow the links on the word document attached to this assignment to choose one family learning challenges.
Click here for the work document – Week 4 Family Activities
Your choices this week are:
Challenge 1 – Mental Health and Wellbeing Week – We are all stars!
Challenge 2 – Winter Walk challenges
Challenge 3 – STEM – making slime (adult supervision only!)
Challenge 4 – Drawing and reading Odd Dog Out with Steve Biddulph (or Robot drawing)
The links for the resources are in the forms below:
Art Links
Slime Links
Most importantly, have fun with your family challenges! I look forward to seeing what you get up to.

Mrs Fullard’s Family Learning Challenges – Friday 29th January

Choose one family challenge activities to complete with your family.

Please send me a photo, tell you what you did or take a video to show what you have done for your chosen task.

The idea is that these activities you can complete as a family with all those participating contributing at their level.

This week choose one of the following:
  • Family History Scavenger Hunt
  • Outdoor Learning – Tiny Treasure Hunt
  • STEM Task – Make a basket out of a paper plate
  • Task 4 – Scottish Art

Most importantly, choose a task that you will enjoy! I look forward to you sharing your learning. 

Mrs Fullard’s Friday Family Learning Tasks 15/1/21

Have a look at the links below to find out what you need to do for your Family Learning Challenge. You have a choice of activities.

Follow the link to hear me explaining the tasks to you.

To view the tasks in a word document, Click the link below.

Please attach any completed assignment and e-mail me at

I am looking forward to seeing what you do for the task you choose. Have fun!!

P3a Thursday 14th January

Good morning…it’s nearly the weekend!!

Thank you for all your hard work this week, here are today’s tasks:


Practice your new phoneme words and tricky words. Your words are below:

Phoneme words                                  Tricky words

  • recite                                                           take
  • city                                                                gave
  • icy                                                                  cold
  • central                                                        don’t
  • December
  • circle
  • circus
  • cinema
  • celebrate

 Task 1

Use elkonin boxes to spell out your words and break it up into each sound. You can use a ruler and a pencil to draw your own elkonin boxes. Follow the hyperlink to remind yourself how to use elkonin boxes.


Task 2

Come up with a code for each letter of the alphabet. Write down your code on a piece of paper.

Now write your spelling words in code.


Task 3

Can you think of a way you could make your phoneme and tricky words using items you have in your house or bedroom? This might be Lego, pasta, or maybe you have coloured pencils or pens and you could practice writing these in bubble writing.


Please log in to giglets using your own personal log in details.

Task 2

If you have paper, create your own book cover for Deer and Jaguar. You could use images from the story or make up your own.



Before the holidays we did lots of work on addition and subtraction with carrying. For today, I would like you to complete subtraction calculations. If you need to refresh your memory, follow the hyperlink –

Remember we carry numbers underneath in the tens column.

Please complete the tasks attached. You can print this out or complete on paper.

You can follow the link to play this subtraction game.

Vertical/Column Subtraction (


During our topic of Africa we did lots of animal report writing. Today, I would like you to choose a bird from the PowerPoint I attached onto the blog on Monday, research some information about the bird so you are able to write about diet, appearance and habitat.  Don’t forget to include 2 interesting facts!

I will insert a picture of the report template we used in class. Feel free to print this out or you can write on paper. Remember to write in sentences.

I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your weekend!

P3a Remote Learning Wednesday 13th January

Hello P3, I hope you are all enjoying completing your tasks at home. You are working so hard and I am enjoying reading the emails being sent to me. Here is today’s learning:


Practice your new phoneme words and tricky words. See below for activities

Phoneme words                               Tricky words

  • recite                                                             take
  • city                                                                 gave
  • icy                                                                   cold
  • central                                                         don’t
  • December
  • circle
  • circus
  • cinema
  • celebrate

Task 1

Write silly sentences using your phoneme words in each sentence and underline. Eg, I don’t like ice cream because I am wearing a blue jumper.  For extra challenge, begin each sentence with a different word and use connectives to join 2 sentences together.

Task 2

Use Lego or some other toys to make your phoneme and tricky words.

Task 3

Use sign language to spell your phoneme words and your tricky words. Show your parents the wonderful learning we have been doing in class!

Don’t worry if you have forgotten the alphabet, you can follow the hyperlink to help you.



Please log in to giglets using your own personal log in details.

Could you please read The Frog Princess and then complete the Higher Order Thinking Skills task. If you have paper, write down your answers to these higher order thinking skills questions or otherwise share your thoughts with your parents.

Can you find all of the adjectives in your book and share your findings with your parents. Remember an adjective is a word that describes a noun.



Before the holidays we did lots of work on addition and subtraction with carrying. For today, I would like you to complete an addition activity. If you need to refresh your memory, follow the hyperlink –

2-digit addition with regrouping – YouTube

Remember, we carry numbers underneath in the tens column.

Please complete attached task. You could print it out or use paper.


Follow the hyperlink for further practice. I know you all loved playing this in class together!

 Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (



It is important to keep your body healthy and active, so I have the following activity for you:


Activity 1 – 30 jumping jacks

Activity 2 – 30 high knees

Activity 3 –  30 star jumps

Activity 4 – 20 press ups

Activity 5 – 20 squats


Task 2

To help you relax after such a hard day’s work, follow the hyperlink to GoNoodle and choose some of the activities you would like to complete

Why don’t you go out a nice relaxing walk and get some fresh air!

I look forward to hearing from you, have a great day!

P3a Remote Learning Tuesday 12th January

Good morning boys and girls, it was great to hear from some of you yesterday. Remember to email me your work if you wish to receive feedback.  Here is your work for today:


High Frequency Words This week’s tricky words are:

  • take
  • gave
  • cold
  • don’t

Task 1

Read your tricky words saying each word out loud. If you have some paper, write each word 3 times and use each word in a sentence. For extra challenge start each sentence with a different word and use a connective to extend your sentence by joining 2 sentences together. Eg, I love to go home at night because my family is there. The connectives that you should be using are and, then, so, but, because.

Remember your heavenly handwriting with tall letters and correct letter formation.

Task 2

Write a short paragraph using all of your tricky words and underline them.



Please log in to giglets using your own personal log in details.


Could you please read Why Anansi has Eight Skinny Legs and then complete the Reading Test Questions 1 task. If you have paper, write down your answers to these higher order thinking skills questions or otherwise share your thoughts with your parents.


If you have paper, draw a detailed picture of the main character in the book. Can you think of 5 words to describe them?



For maths, we will continue to practice sequencing numbers forwards and backwards. I would love to hear how you are getting on with this.

Please log in to mymaths using your own personal log in details.

Please complete the Counting 2 and Counting 3 task. Remember to complete the ‘lesson’ section before completing the task.

Follow the hyperlink to an ordering and sequencing game on topmarks:

Chinese Dragon Game – Ordering and Sequencing Numbers (



As we would usually complete art work related to our topic, why don’t you try and make some of your own origami birds and display them in your room. Follow the hyperlink for instructions to make origami birds:



Health and Wellbeing

It is important to always share how you are feeling, and in school we place our names on the feelings check-in chart every morning and have the chance to talk about how we are feeling. Today I would like you to create your own feelings monster. If you have paper, draw a picture of a monster showing how you are feeling. You could write a sentence underneath describing your feelings. Don’t forget to give your monster a name!


Finishing task

To finish off your day of hard work, follow the link and practice ‘Count On Me’ using sign language and show your parents how wonderful you are at it!

Remember to practice your Burns poem!

Have a wonderful day P3 and I so look forward to seeing your fabulous work.

P3a Remote Learning 11th January

Good morning and Happy New Year P3!  I hope you all had a fantastic holiday and managed to spend some time with your family.  The next few weeks will be a little different again but we can do this!! I will be posting your daily work here. Here is today’s tasks:


In Celebration of Burns Night and our annual Scottish Fortnight, you have been asked to learn a short Scottish poem. Your poem is ‘Twa-Leggit Mice’, I will attach a link below.

Poetry Recital

Please also find attached a link to your weekly Journal and the PowerPoint containing the different birds you may see in your area.

weekly news document


I hope you all have a lovely day.  I can’t wait to see you all and hear your poems when we return to school!!