We have had lots of fun during World Book Day. Some P4-7 pupils shared stories remotely for the ECC and P1-3. P1 enjoyed a story written by Matthew in P7 ‘The Runaway Easter Bunny’.
We have had lots of fun during World Book Day. Some P4-7 pupils shared stories remotely for the ECC and P1-3. P1 enjoyed a story written by Matthew in P7 ‘The Runaway Easter Bunny’.
Hello everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is our learning overview for this week. We also have World Book Day on Thursday so keep an eye out for some additional activities.
Well we had smiles, tears, acts of kindness and friendship, falls but most of all we had the joy of being back in the classroom last week. The happiness of being back with friends, sharing experiences and having fun with our learning. Mrs Forsyth and I really enjoyed our first week back with your children. As we worked so well as a team throughout lockdown, we would like to continue sharing our plans for the learning taking place in P1. This will keep you informed and enable you to continue having an input into your child’s education. We intend to post a plan every couple of weeks or so. There are areas in the plan indicated with a star for any extra input at home if you have time. The children told us that they enjoyed sharing their learning experiences with adults at home and would like for this to continue. Thank you again for all the hard work you put into remote learning.
Attached is Primary 5’s Home Learning Grid for next week. Week 8 Online Learning
It’s Friday again. Here is this week’s assembly. We are focusing on thinking positively when things don’t go to plan.
It was so good to be back in class today with all these smiling faces. The children were fabulous….. as if they had never been away. We are enjoying a book about pirates for our reader in school, so if you get a chance let the children listen to some sea shanties most current is a singing postman Nathan Evans. We revisited our sound ay today . Fred thinks it still needs a little practise. Maths was odd and even and we enjoyed some team games and catching skill practise in the lovely sunshine.
Well done to T-Jay Mullen who has won the JRSO Competition to design his own bike helmet. T-Jay will receive an Easter Prize once the JRSO’s return back to school. Attached is a short video showing all the fantastic entries. Well done to everyone! 4d65fc72af231611c9345054f903735d
Hello everyone, here is the learning overview for this week. We are starting a new topic on the Romans for the next few weeks.
We are excited and very happy to welcome our primary 1’s back to school tomorrow. A big thank you for all your wonderful work supporting your children and sending snapshots of their learning. We shall continue to post a grid of proposed learning weekly or every 2 weeks depending on where the chikdren lead us. We hope you will find this useful.
I am collecting bits and pieces of our home learning for a learning lockdown journal so if you have any pictures , drawing etc you want to share please send into school. Early to bed for everyone tonight.!!
Good afternoon ,
Staff at Dalmellington PS and ECC have been working together to ensure the return to school for our ECC – P3 pupils is a success. In order to support our planning and preparation for the return we would appreciate if parents/carers of our ECC-P3 pupils could complete the following survey to allow us to gather pupil views.
A similar survey will become available for P4-P7 pupils when we have a date for their return.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs McLurkin