All posts by Mrs GREIG

House Assembly

We have been enjoying our assemblies outside. Today we spent time in our houses – Bradan, Doon, Finlas and Riecawr.

Our P7 and P6 pupils led assembly discussion circles as they started designing team mascots and shields as well as team chants for Sports Day.

It was lovely to see our children working together and our older pupils demonstrating their leadership skills. We will continue to work on this task throughout the term.

Term 3 Curriculum Overviews

It’s difficult to believe we are at term 3 already. We’d like to share our curriculum overviews for the term. As you can see we’re going to be busy. Click on the photos below to see them zoomed in or click on the link below to the documents.


4 Contexts at Dalmellington P1 April (1) (1)

P2-3 Term 3 Termly Overview

34 Termly Overview Term 3

term 3 overview (1)

4 Contexts at Dalmellington P6.7 Term 3 2022

Easter Bunny Visited

Thank you to our Parent Council who ensured the Easter Bunny visited to give an Easter Egg to all our pupils.

They also provided Easter Eggs as prizes for the design an Easter Egg competition. You can see our happy winners here. Well done to everyone. Everyone who designed an Easter Egg received a chocolate lolly.

World Book Day Treasure Hunt

Primary 7 enjoyed organising the Book Treasure Hunt. They selected a range of fiction and non-fiction books, which they hid around the playground. Each class had a turn to find a book they wanted to read. Some couldn’t wait to get back to class to read their ‘treasure’. We’re looking forward to tomorrow’s activities – our book swap, World Book Day Quiz and our Vocabulary Parade.

Burns Competition Certificate Winners

Well done everyone for your hard work learning your Burns poems.
A special well done to our certificate winners. They have earned points for their houses which have been added to the points for the maths quiz and the Christmas card art competition. There will be more opportunities to win house points this session. Wonderful to see our young people displaying the school value ‘achievement’.