Hello P5,
I hope you are all well and enjoyed the long weekend. Thank you to those of you who have responded to my email, for those of you who have not yet, please check your emails and reply 
I thought for all you animal fans out there I would make a change from my usual horse post and introduce you to Daisy cat instead. She was in a nice warm spot on my couch the other day and being very nosy at what I was doing 

My cooking journey continued with one of my favourite dinners this week – roast beef – yum! I even tried to make Yorkshire puddings too. They looked a little strange but tasted delicious.

My garden has been filled with interesting animals this week, all enjoying the nice weather I think. I was curious to watch what I initially though was two birds fighting when I then realised it was a mother starling feeding her rather large baby starling! I video’d it for a while and from the still you can see it with a worm in its mouth about to feed the baby.
I also have a regular visit from a tiny little baby rabbit, no bigger than the palm of my hand, who has taken to hopping about the path next to my garden – it is very cute.
There was a very tired Bumble Bee on the path so I gave it some sugar water and returned it to the large flowers I have in my garden.
And lastly, I found a nest that had fallen out a tree and was lying in my front garden. Luckily, there were no eggs or baby birds in it but I was very interested seeing how the clever birds have woven the twigs together to make their nest. How they do that with just their beaks, I find absolutely fascinating!

It is a very difficult time for everyone at the moment and as we know, we should always think kind. So, I was really delighted to receive this little surprise through the post from Miss Thomson. It was very kind and thoughtful of her and really brightened up my day.

Dylan, Mr Kelly and I love a movie night and as we had never watched The Lorax before, we decided to watch it on Saturday. Dylan made the popcorn from popcorn kernels and we settled down to watch it. It really has such an eco and Global Goals message, we really enjoyed it.

That is me for this week’s update, I am looking forward to hearing all about your week. Remember to post anything you would like me to see/check on your blogs or email. I will add a selection of posts in our Feedback Friday post too.
Take care and I hope to see you soon.
Mrs Kelly