Mrs Kelly’s Update 06/05/2020

Hello P5, I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine and time with your families.

I cannot believe it is ‘Mrs Kelly Update’ time again, I feel like the weeks are beginning to pass quicker than I had thought they would.

As you know, this week marks the 75th Anniversary of VE Day; as you may remember I love learning all about WW2, something I inherited from my Gramps. He wrote novels and based a lot of them on WW2 and I had the privilege of proof reading his work. He also loved WW2 planes and I have one of his model Spitfires and a commemorative Spitfire plate in my house. My wee Granny’s brother fought in WW2 and I thought you would like to see a picture of her with her brother Kenzie, when he was on leave during the war. I am looking forward to our VE Day virtual afternoon tea with the staff and then my family on Friday.

I have continued on my cooking journey and last week I made a carbonara; it was a bit of a ‘Mrs Kelly’s take on a carbonara’ as I included chicken and used the wrong pasta – ooops. It tasted nice all the same. This week I am going to attempt a pie with pastry for our VE Day party.

I have been continuing to write your reports, prepare learning, virtually meet with the Fenwick staff and home-school Dylan. I have been continuing to keep fit with Joe Wicks, Zumba and Yoga and I have been really enjoying this – this week I learned how to Hula Hoop too! I go for a walk around our fields with the dog and Penny really loves that.

Hula Hoop Video 🙂

Paddy is also continuing to keep fit being lunged three times a week. This week I started to take him on my daily walk in-hand to get him back used to roads and seeing different things before we start riding again – it is like taking a huge dog for a walk!

I hope you have enjoyed my update for this week, I am looking forward to seeing all of yours too. I am going to start a ‘Feedback Friday’ post on our blog with some of the things you have been sharing so as your classmates can see them – if there is anything in particular you want shared please email me it, if not I will just pick a small selection.

Remember to pop over to the updates page to see our Classroom Support Assistants updates too – here.

Take care and I hope to see you all soon.

Mrs Kelly 🙂