Parents Night – Wednesday 29th March
Parents Night Appointments are now open for booking.
Please contact the school office to make a booking.
Thank you
British Science Week
We were delighted to welcome George Burns back to Catrine Primary this week.
George is a STEM Ambassador who has supported the school with many STEM projects in the past . As part of British Science Week, George came to share with P4-7 pupils his wealth of knowledge about engineering & his career. We really appreciate George taking the time to come & speak to us. We look forward to him returning on Wednesday, to work with the STEM committee.
A huge thank you also goes to Miss Murdoch & the STEM committee for organising such a fun filled week, with lots of different STEM based activities for us to try in our classes.
Home Circles
The whole school were involved in our first Home Circles session since March 2020 this week.
Each house – Avalon, Ayrbank, Marneil and Whiteflat – is split into four small groups, made up of pupils from all stages, and we all have a BIG question to focus on. Our P7 pupils are in charge of each Home Circle and they make sure that every pupil – from P1 to P7 – has a chance to voice their opinion and give their answers.
March’s BIG question was based on Article 31 of the UNCRC and is part of our Rights Respecting School focus.
- Why is it so important for us to be able to play?
- How do you like to spend your free time?
- Who do you spend your free time with?
We collate all of the answers and it helps us to make changes and improvements to our indoor and outdoor learning environments.
Golden Ticket – 17 March 2023
Congratulations to the Golden Ticket Winners this week
They were awarded a Golden Ticket for being excellent role model in our dinner hall.
Tempest Photography
For anyone ordering photos from Tempest.
Please note once we have the link for the Primary 1 and Primary 7 picture, we will email this to you.
For free delivery to school on your child’s photographs order by Thursday 23rd March 2023. Order via the Tempest website using your unique link or visit Call 01736 751555 for assistance.
Thank you
Parent Council Disco
Parent Council Disco
Thursday 23rd March, 6pm – 8pm
We hope your child can come along
Golden Ticket – 10 March 2023
Congratulations to the Golden Ticket Winners this week.
They were awarded a Golden Ticket for being an excellent role model in our dinner hall.
Exchange Counselling
Please find attached a link to a poster and newsletter for a very valuable counselling service available for our young people.
P6 had another visit today to the ECC to play with their buddies. For some of us this was the first time meeting our buddy.
P1 – P2 – P3 – After School – Fun Sports Club
Active Schools are providing an after school club for 3 weeks for P1, P2 & P3. This will be a fun sports club.
The dates are Tuesday 7th, 14th & 21st March, from 3pm – 4pm.
Please note there are only 20 Spaces available.
Please click on the link below to complete a form and book a space for your child.
All children will be required to be collected by a parent/carer at the end of the session.
Good Luck Lexie
Lexie Boland, Primary 7 at Catrine PS, has been selected to play at an East Ayrshire Council Badminton Tournament for the under 14s at St Josephs Academy on 19th March.
Lexie plays badminton at 3 different clubs, Catrine, Hurlford and Galston.
We wish Lexie all the best and hope she has a smashing time 🙂
Kidz Kard & NEC Bus pass application
Just a reminder that you can apply for a free child’s bus pass using the links below.
If your child has lost or damaged their card, please contact the school office. Thank you
Tempest Photography
We are delighted to have Tempest Photography coming along on Thursday 9th March.
Please click on the link and complete. All responses require to be submitted by Wednesday 8th March.
Thank you
Thursday 2nd March – Information
Just a reminder that on Thursday 2nd March, you are invited to join us at Catrine Primary School for an Open Morning. Please come along from 9.00 am – 10.30am. The focus will be on Play and ICT.
We hope you can join us.
Also, World Book Day – each class will be doing activities related to world book day. No dressing up this year. And remember that you can still purchase the Library Committee Quiz for £1 via ParentPay.
Thank you
Meeting our buddies
Our Primary 6 pupils were so excited to visit the ECC on Friday and meet their buddies for the first time.
They were super role models and we were so proud of the way they took their responsibilities so seriously and interacted beautifully with the children. They are going to make excellent buddies!
Here are some of our photos. A few of the ECC children were absent but we will hopefully meet up with them on our next visit down on the 6th March.
Ordering of School Lunches for Strike days
Due to the school being closed on Tuesday 28th February & Wednesday 1st March 2023, due to strike action, any child who requires access to a School Meal, may order a packed lunch for that day. Please complete the form below, and a lunch can be collected from the main school entrance door, between 10am and 1pm, on both days. Please ensure orders are placed by 3.00pm on Monday 27th February 2023, Thank you
Information for Parents & Carers
Please take time to read the attached link, thank you
Open Morning – Thursday 2nd March
Family and friends are invited to our next Open Morning, with a focus on Play and ICT Technology, on Thursday 2nd March from 9.00am to 10.20am.
It’s a great chance to see our new classrooms and learning environments now that the ECC have moved back to Newton Street. We look forward to seeing you!
World Book Day Quiz
The Library Committee have made up two quizzes to raise funds to buy new books, for Catrine Primary School new library.
They go on sale on Friday 24th February until Wednesday 8th, for £1.00. Payment can be made via Parent Pay.
Thank you for supporting our cause.
Parent Council Meeting – 21st February 2023
The Parent Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday 21st February at 7.00pm via Zoom.
If you are interested in joining the meeting and how you can help the Parent Council, please email, for the Zoom codes. Thank you