Congratulations and a massive well done to our House Captains for 2023/2024;
Avalon – Josh
Ayrbank – Georgia
Marneil – Marley
Whiteflat – Ashton
Congratulations and a massive well done to our House Captains for 2023/2024;
Avalon – Josh
Ayrbank – Georgia
Marneil – Marley
Whiteflat – Ashton
Parent Council Meeting
Wednesday 13th September @ 7.00pm, Catrine Games Hall.
Do you have an interest in joining the Parent Council??
Look forward to seeing you there.
Limited places. Please complete the form if you wish your child to attend.
Ruby Reward Table Winners
Well done to this weeks winners, for being an excellent pupil in our dinner hall.
Just a wee reminder on how to check and treat Head Lice.
Please click on the link below .
We have another Rag Bag collection taking place at Catrine Primary School on Tuesday 19th September.
If you are clearing out old summer clothes, why not put them in a black bag and bring along to our Rag Bag collection on the above date?
More details to follow on what can go in the bags. All money raised from the collection goes back to the pupils.
Thank you
Open Day at Catrine Games Hall on Sunday 27th August.
All Welcome
Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Cook would like to invite family and friends of the new Primary 1 class, to join them on Wednesday 30th August, from 2.15pm.
An opportunity to visit the classroom and a walk around the school.
We hope to see you then.
With the start of the new school year, the annual consent forms are required to be completed for all pupils. Please complete the links below for your child.
Thank you
Just a polite reminder that Catrine Primary School is a
Please ensure that no snacks/lunch food brought into the school contains NUTS.
We have children in the school that have a NUT allergy, which can be life threatening to them.
Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Mrs Govans
On return to school next week our pupils will have PE twice a week.
All children should bring along a PE kit, containing shorts and gym shoes. These can be kept in a kit bag, which can be kept in school. Please ensure their name is on all items.
We kindly ask that no platform or chunky soled trainers are used for PE. Any earrings should be removed before school or taken out before the PE class starts.
The PE timetable will be issued next week.
School Meal Crunch Deal – beating the crunch with a school lunch
This August young people in our primary school who pay for their school meals can choose a School Meal Crunch Deal at lunchtime for just £1.08. The deal will run until June 2024.
The same menu options will be available and our school meals will be freshly prepared each day, using quality ingredients from local suppliers.
Please remember to book your child’s lunch choice via Parent Pay for Monday 21st August and on an ongoing basis.
All Primary 1 and new pupils starting on Monday 21st August will be asked in class for their lunch choice for Monday until Wednesday of next week. Your child will receive a Parentpay code by Wednesday to set up Parentpay.
Here is the link for school lunches Parentpay. This can also be found under Latest News<Select a Category<Important Information<Parentpay Link.
Here is the link to the menu for Primary School Lunches for 2023/2024. Primary School Meals 2023/2024
As we close today for the summer holidays, there’s some special people who deserve a big THANK YOU!
Thank you to … the parents, family and friends of our Catrine PS pupils for your constant support of everything we do. It makes a huge difference to know we have your backing in our efforts to continuously improve the learning and teaching experiences for your children.
Thank you to … the Parent Council for giving up their own time to arrange wonderful events for our pupils, and for their advice and support in moving our school forward
Thank you to … #Team Catrine staff – our teachers, Classroom Assistants, Senior Clerical, Catering and Cleaning staff – who all work so hard to ensure Catrine PS is a supportive, nurturing, clean, safe and wonderful learning environment. It’s truly a team effort to keep a school continuously improving and every member of staff is a vital part of our collective school group.
Thank you to … our Catrine PS pupils. From Primary 1 to Primary 7, our pupils motivate us every day. They are kind, smart, funny, loud, creative, clever, hardworking, noisy, friendly, messy, inventive, cheeky – all the things that happy children should be and we think the world of them.
Wishing you all a wonderful summer break. Good luck to our P7 Leavers – reach for the stars as you start your RBA journey.
We look forward to welcoming everyone, especially our new Primary 1 pupils, on Monday 21st August.
Take care. Mrs Govans x
Well done to all our pupils that took part in our recent Catrine’s Got Talent. From break dancing, football skills to singing, Catrine pupils are very talented.
Our overall winners were Georgia, Millie, Kaylie, Marley, Josh, Ryan and Ashton with their own version of Britain’s Got Talent.
A warm welcome to Miss Caughie who will be our P3/4 teacher next session.
Miss Caughie was in school yesterday to meet the pupils who will be in her class and she is very much looking forward to joining Catrine Primary School in August.
Here is a video of Miss Caughie introducing herself.