All posts by Mrs Robertson

Thursday 2nd March – Information

Just a reminder that on Thursday 2nd March, you are invited to join us at Catrine Primary School for an Open Morning. Please come along from 9.00 am – 10.30am. The focus will be on Play and ICT.
We hope you can join us.

Also,  World Book Day – each class will be doing activities related to world book day. No dressing up this year. And remember that you can still purchase the Library Committee Quiz for £1 via ParentPay.
Thank you

Ordering of School Lunches for Strike days

Due to the school being closed on Tuesday 28th February & Wednesday 1st March 2023, due to strike action, any child who requires access to a  School Meal, may order a packed lunch for that day. Please complete the form below, and a lunch can be collected from the main school entrance door, between 10am and 1pm, on both days.  Please ensure orders are placed by 3.00pm on Monday 27th February 2023,  Thank you

Packed Lunches

PE at Catrine Primary School

Please check the attached PE timetable to see your child’s PE days in school.

After all of the Covid restrictions, our pupils need to get back into the habit of having a PE kit in school.  In one class today, only half of the class had their PE kit and were able to take part in the PE learning, which is disappointing.  We also have a number of pupils who can’t take part due to having earrings that they can’t take out.

To encourage more pupils to take part in PE, we’ve made a wee change to our PE kit requirements. From Monday 20th February, pupils will be allowed to take PE in shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms with suitable footwear, as usual.

The only time shorts WILL be required is during a Gymnastics block due to the equipment being used by the pupils. We will always let pupils and parents know in advance of any Gymnastics lessons to ensure that shorts are brought into school.

As for earrings, please practice taking earrings out at home so that your child can join in with their class on PE days.

It’s also much handier if PE kit (containing PE shoes) can be left in school so that there’s less chance of pupils forgetting to bring it in. Please label all items and the bags/PE kit will come home each term to be washed.

Thanks for your continued support, and please get in touch for any further information.

PE January 2023