PE Timetable

Your child will have PE in school on the following days.

Primary 1 – Tuesday and Thursday  (Tuesday will be a walk in the community)

Primary 2 – Tuesday and Thursday (Thursday will be a walk in the community)

Primary 3 – Tuesday and Thursday

Primary 4 – Monday and Wednesday

Primary 5 – Monday and Wednesday

Primary 6 – Wednesday and Friday

Primary 7 – Tuesday and Thursday 

For PE sessions, pupils should change into shorts and trainers/gym shoes.  It’s better if PE kits can be kept in school in a PE bag so that they’re always available.  All jewellery must be removed for PE sessions (including earrings). Please ensure all PE items are labelled with your child’s name and let us know if we can help with supplying any PE equipment.

School Meals for P1

P1 Parent/Carers – School Meals for first week back.

As school meals are booked via Parentpay, you will receive your Parentpay login details by Friday 23rd August.

If your child is having a school dinner this week, we will ask your child what they would like for the 3 days this week.

Or you can send them with a packed lunch.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

Welcome Primary 1

We are looking forward to welcoming our new Primary 1 pupils on Wednesday – 21st August.

A reminder of the arrangements:

  • Pupils should arrive at the school infant gates at 9.30am.
  • Parents only should accompany pupils into the playground where there will be an opportunity for photos. (This will take place in the hall if it is raining.)
  • The pupils will then go to their classroom with Mrs Watt our classroom assistant.
  • Parents should collect their child at 2.30pm from the infant doors.
  • We will have an open afternoon on Tuesday 3rd September at 2.15pm once your child has settled in and they will be excited to show you their new classroom.