P6 Big Sleepover

On Friday 14th June, our P6 pupils had their Big Sleepover.  They camped in the school grounds (well, on this occasion, due to the horrible wet weather, they slept in the school hall!), roasted marshmallows over a campfire in the playground and played an awesome game of staff/parents v pupils Rounders (which the adults won, of course).

Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Govans were the lucky staff who stayed all night, with Miss Burleigh, Mrs Campbell, Miss Brown and Mrs Schendel joining us for the team games and campfire.

Thanks to all the parents who joined in, thanks to Carolyn McFarlane at EAC LOST for organising it and special thanks to our P6 pupils for being awesome!  It was a brilliant night of giggles, midnight snacks, PJs in the school hall and very little sleep … 🙂


Our Prizegiving Celebrations

On Wednesday 19th June we held our annual Prizegiving Ceremony in the school, where we celebrated the wonderful achievements of our pupils throughout the last school session.

Please see our Prize-winners below.   We are so very proud of each and every one of them.

Catrine Values Winners

P1-P3 – Allan in P3  and P4-P7 – Ryan in P7

Sports Winners

Junior Sports – Coral in P5 and Leighton in P5

Senior Sports – Georgia in P7 and Ashton in P7

Winning House at Sports Day

Ayrbank with Captain Georgia

Winning House Trophy

Whiteflat with Captain Ashton

Marneil with Captain Marley

Excellence in Learning

P2 – Ellie, P3 – Braxton, P4 – Gracie-Leigh, P5 – Brooke, P6 – Ellie and P7 – Carter

Four Capacities of A Curriculum for Excellence – Class Winners

P2 – Poppy, Carson, Alfie and Nadia

P3 – Miley, Calli, Quinn and Carter

P4 – Esther, Evie, Jenna and Oscar

P5 – Noah, Jalyn, Leighton and Harry

P6 – Lenore, Lennox, Eli and Caleb

P7 – Millie, Marley, Ryan and Lexi

Individual Awards

P4 Literacy – Ashton and P7 Numeracy – Layla

Chess Champion – Josh in P7

Scots Verse Excellence – Brody in P5

Citizenship – Georgia in P7