Sports Day Update – The weather isn’t looking too promising for tomorrow so we’re making the decision to cancel our Sports Day scheduled for Friday 14th June, and we’re rescheduling for TUESDAY 18th JUNE instead, at 10.30am at Riverside Park.

Next Tuesday looks to be the driest day forecast for next week but if it’s still wet on Tuesday, however, we’ll have to run our races in the school hall but unfortunately that means we can’t have spectators.

We can organise everything but the weather so fingers crossed for a dry day on Tuesday!

Please note that your child can still wear sports clothes tomorrow, and if they have a Scotland football top, they can wear this to show their support before Friday’s big game. No club colours please.

June Home Circles @ 12.06.24

In our Home Circles on Wednesday we all focused on another article from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Article 29 states that ‘education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment’. 

In our Home Circles we had big questions to answer … 

It’s Health Week at Catrine Primary School and ECC.

What changes would make Catrine PS a healthier school?

What changes would make Catrine a healthier village? 

Take a look at our answers below.