Today your child will come home with an envelope containing the following information;
Whole school summer trip – we are pleased to inform you that we will be visiting Heads of Ayr Farm Park on Wednesday 26th June, at a cost of £10.00 per child.
The Parent Council have kindly donated £4.00 per child towards the cost of the entrance fee, and the remaining £6.00 has now been set up on ParentPay. The school is paying for the buses for the trip.
A parent information leaflet on Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood suitable for your child’s level.
P6 Parent/Carers
Your child will come home today with a letter with the information about the P7 residential trip that will take place in January 2025.
Please return the tear off slip as soon as possible.
An information session will take place nearer to the visit.
Any questions about the trip please contact the school. Thank you
We are looking to get your feedback and opinions on sport and physical activity in your area.
Could you please take 5 minutes to fill in the questionnaire with your child which you can access via the following link:
Active Schools Questionnaire
An East Ayrshire Council site