Catrine Values – N

Our Rights Respecting School Committee Group are updating our School and ECC Values and have created a new look.  We are consulting our pupils and staff on each Value over the next few weeks, and we think it’s very important that parents, families and friends give their input too.

Our new Values spell out CATRINE, with the N standing for Nurture.

We would appreciate your comments, please complete the form below, thank you

Catrine Values – N

Catrine Values – I

Our Rights Respecting School Committee Group are updating our School and ECC Values and have created a new look.  We are consulting our pupils and staff on each Value over the next few weeks, and we think it’s very important that parents, families and friends give their input too.

Our new Values spell out CATRINE, with the I standing for Included.

We would appreciate your comments, please complete the form below, thank you

Catrine Values – I

After School Football CLub – P5 and P6

We are delighted to offer pupils of P5 & P6, an after school football club for 4 weeks. Starting Thursday 25th May until Thursday 15th June, from 3.00pm – 4.00pm.
  The after school club will be run by Kilmarnock FC community coaches. We have limited spaces, so please sign up below, if your child wishes to take part.

Any questions regarding this event please contact Barry Holmes at

After School Football Club


Catrine Values – R

Our Rights Respecting School Committee Group are updating our School and ECC Values and have created a new look.  We are consulting our pupils and staff on each Value over the next few weeks, and we think it’s very important that parents, families and friends give their input too.

Our new Values spell out CATRINE, with the R standing for Respect.

We would appreciate your comments, please complete the form below, thank you

Catrine Values – R

Walk to School Week 15th-19th May

Walk to School Week will take place from Monday 15th May til Friday 19th May.

Pupils are encouraged to walk to school every day and the Junior Road Safety Officers have decided the themes for each day.

Monday – odd sock day

Tuesday – walk with a teddy

Wednesday – back to front day

Thursday – messy hair day

Friday – dress down day

Our JRSOs would like to remind everyone that Catrine Primary is a Street School and cars are restricted on the roads around the school at dropping off and collection times.  Thank you for helping us to keep our pupils safe as they walk to school.

Caleb and Connor in P6


Catrine Values – T

Our Rights Respecting School Committee Group are updating our School and ECC Values and have created a new look.  We are consulting our pupils and staff on each Value over the next few weeks, and we think it’s very important that parents, families and friends give their input too.

Our new Values spell out CATRINE, with the T standing for Teamwork.

Please click on the link below and complete the form. Thank you

Catrine Values – T