Plop! In the Ocean

For all Primary 1, 2 and 3 children 

We are delighted that the  Hopscotch Theatre Company will be visiting us on Thursday 15th September, for an afternoon show of their play Plop! In the Ocean.

Plop! In the Ocean’, is an eco-fable written by bard of Glastonbury and Roald Dahl Foundation storyteller in residence, Sarah Mooney, taking the form of a slapstick ancient Greek comedy. ‘Plop!’ was written using Sarah’s diaries and experiences during an expedition sailing across the Atlantic Ocean with a team of ten female scientists studying plastic pollution and ocean toxicity. ‘Plop!’ focuses on ways to communicate with and educate young people about the impact ocean toxicity is having on our planet. How they can begin with small steps to understand the problem, in a sensitive way for their age group, and what changes they can make in their own day to day lives to foster positive sustainability in the future. It also promotes positive representation in areas such as STEM.

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