Primary 5/6 and Primary 6/7 Parents Maths Blether

Although some restrictions are beginning to ease we still really miss not being able to  have our parents/carers in school to see all the fabulous learning that is taking place.

Mrs Schendel, Miss Murdoch and Miss Burleigh would love a blether with parents/carers of P5/6 and Primary 6/7 about all things maths and will be in the main playground on Tuesday 24th May at 2.45pm.

Please come along and ask any questions you may have in supporting your child with their maths homework or to ask about the maths work taking place in the classrooms.

We would appreciate that in line with our regulations that social distancing is maintained.

If you are unable to attend but have any maths related questions you would like to ask please e-mail me at:

We look forward to seeing you then.