Walk to School Week

It’s National Walk to School Week next week, beginning Monday 16th May.  Our Junior Road Safety Officers in P4 have come up with a different theme for each day for our PS and ECC children – we look forward to seeing everyone taking part throughout the week.

We hope that you will take part in the Walk to School Week.  If you come to the PS or ECC by car, why not Park & Stride?

This is a great time to remind everyone that the area around our ECC and PS is a School Streets area and is traffic controlled between 8.30-9.15am and 2.30-3.15pm to allow our children to arrive and leave safely.  Unfortunately, the rules are not always being followed and children continue to be dropped off and picked up by cars outside our school, which is a major health and safety concern for all of our pupils.

Next week’s themes are ….

Mixed-up Monday: wear your jumper back to front

Team up Tuesday- walk to school with a friend or family member

Wild Wednesday – wear your hair in a wild or crazy style

Think about it Thursday – can you think of any ways that we can improve our community?

Freestyle Friday – Wear your own clothes to school.

Thank you, from Primary 4 Junior Road Safety Officers