Pupil info – letters home today

All classes (apart from P5/6 who will receive their letters on Monday) are coming home today with two important forms to be completed.

The Annual Data Check is where you let us know about any changes to addresses, telephone numbers, emergency contacts and medical issues.  It is really important that all of the above information is kept up to date for your child.

The second form is an EV5 permission slip to allow your child to participate in outdoor learning walks around our village throughout the year.   Please note that each child needs to return a completed EV5 to be permitted to go on the class walks so it would be great if they were all returned quickly so that we can make the most of the lovely weather over the next few weeks.

Have a lovely weekend.  Mrs Govans 🙂

Class Blogs

We have completed our first full week back & we are delighted to be able to share our class blogs with you all.

This is where you will find specific class information & get a snapshot of some of the things your child/children have been up to since returning to school.

To access your child’s class blog from a mobile phone, click the 3 lines at the top of this page (see photo below) & you will see the title Primary School Classes. From there you will be able to select your child’s class from the list.