Walking to and from school

With the darker mornings and poor weather – if your child is allowed to walk to and from school, now is a good time to have a wee conversation to reinforce the rules about walking straight to/home from school and not speaking to strangers. 

If you are running late to collect your child at the end of the school day, please phone the office and arrangements can be made.

The safety of our pupils is a main priority, and by working together we can help to keep our children safe.

Mrs Govans


Class Mugs

Please find below a copy of the class proofs sent to “School Bears” for production of our class mugs. The mugs cost £6.00 each and you can purchase as many as you want. Orders and payment must be paid through ParentPay by Thursday 19 November to confirm delivery before the Christmas Holiday (barcoded paypoint letters can be issued by telephoning the school office). Please accept our apologies for the short payment time but this is to ensure prompt delivery. If you wish any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.