Victorian Day – Wednesday 4th November

As you know P5/6 has been learning all about the Victorian era and as part of our learning we explored what school life was like. To help us finish off our topic we are going to host a ‘Victorian School Day’.

The day will consist of lessons that were traditionally taught during the Victorian school day such as reading, writing and arithmetic as well as drill, hand inspections and bible study and prayer.

It is our hope that everyone will dress up for the day in keeping with our theme but please remember that the day is not intended to cost you any money so please reuse and recycle items you have or can borrow to create your child’s costume. Children can choose if they wish to dress as a poor or rich child or perhaps as a chimney sweep or farm hand – there are so many options.

Thank you for your support in making our topic come alive by supporting our Victorian School Day.

Many thanks

Mrs McCaig