Friday Round Up

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have all had a great week – P3 have had a great week working hard.

In literacy we have been writing letters to the Queen asking her lots of different questions about her Jubilee and we have been telling her what we have got planned for next week!

In numeracy we have been finishing off our time topic. Pupils have been enjoying the tuff tray challenges set this week.

This week was World of Work Week – as a class we discussed different jobs and what skills you would need to do them. It was a great opportunity to discuss with the pupils what they were basing their talks on. We have a very skilled P3 class!

We used our gym session on Wednesday to explore some of the skills we need to listen. We tried some starter activities which meant the pupils had to listen for pass it on. They had to also listen to the touch of what was being drawn on their back… we had great fun!

P3 then worked together in groups to create freeze frames of some occupations! The pupils enjoyed the drama lesson and have asked for it to be done again! Hopefully we will have a chance to do it soon.

Lucie, Harry, Mikey, Cole and Luna’s freeze frame – can you guess the job?

Conlan, Harper, Steven and Sophie’s freeze frame – can you guess the job?

Finlay, Alfie, Maddisen and Myia’s freeze frame – can you guess the job?


Have a great weekend!

Miss Edmund πŸ™‚

Friday Round Up

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have all had a great week!

In literacy this week we have been focusing on our spelling words, grammar and persuasive writing. In our grammar lesson we were learning where to use the words – and, but, so, or. For spelling one of our groups challenges was to idenify their spelling phoneme in a favourite book – this group came up with some super words with ‘ll’ in it!

In numeracy we have been learning all about telling the time using digital and analogue clocks. We have also been identifying what half past, o’clock, quarter past and quarter to looks like! We took our lesson outside this week to have a practice at making clocks.

This week has been walk to school week – thank you to everyone that got involved. We have had great fun with the challenges. Here are some of the crazy hairstyles that came to school on Wednesday!

This term our IDL topic has been pollution and how we can make a change to the way we throw away rubbish. The pupils have had great fun creating their very own recycling centres out of the play blocks in the class! Well done everyone, I love your imagination!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Edmund

Home Task

Hello Everyone!

Homework this week is spelling – each group should choose 3 tasks to practise their spelling words. Home task to be completed and returned by Monday 23rd May.

Purple Group – field, shield, thief, believe, shriek, chief

Pink Group – too, zoo, mood, fool, moon, look

Blue – well, spill, dull, drill, allow, shallow



Any questions please let me know.

Miss Edmund

P3 Class Talk Homework

Title: What I want to do when I grow up

Pupils have been given a project to prepare and give a short 3 minute talk about –Β  β€˜what I want to do when I grow up.’ Some ideas might be police officer, teacher, doctor, shop assistant, joiner or you might want to do something someone in your family does. You can decide how you would like to present the talk i.e. PowerPoint (Saved on GLOW or pendrive), poster, photographs, bringing in items (trophies, props etc).

Children should practice their talk at home in order to be able to fluently talk to the class. They might want to use notes on paper to help them remember their talk.

Talks should be ready to be heard for Monday 6th June.

If you have any further questions please email

Friday Roundup!

Good afternoon Everyone!

I hope you all have had a great week!

In literacy this week P3 have been having some arguments! In a positive way though as we have been focusing on our persuasive writing.

In numeracy we have been learning all about telling the time. The pupils enjoyed some o’clock and half hour challenges throughout the week!

In gym this week we were having a great time doing some relay races, supporting our team mates and enjoying the challenges.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Edmund πŸ™‚

Friday Round Up

Hello Everyone

I hope you have all had a great week. It has been a little bit upside down however P3 have been working hard!

In numeracy we have been focusing on time, why we need time and what it represents. Pupils have been learning how to tell the time on the hour and half an hour.

In Literacy we have focused on our fluency in reading this week. We have been working through our class novel ‘Diary of Wimpy kid’ which has been a hit in the class so far!

I hope you all have a nice weekend!

Miss Edmund


Hello Everyone!

This week homework will be online on Active Maths

I have allocated 2 games on AM that pupils can practice their addition and subtraction on.Β  Each pupil has already been given out their log in cards in term 2 – any problems please let me know.

An additional website that pupils can use independently is Top Marks and they can play ‘hit the button’ – you do not need a log in to access these games.


For literacy I have set a task for the pupils to learn a rhyme :

‘Thirty days hath September, April, June and November.

All the rest have thirty-one.

Excepting February alone,

And that has twenty-eight days clear

And twenty-nine in each leap year. ‘


Have a great week, Miss Edmund πŸ™‚